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A collection of the works of G. Vertue of London, Engraver, the first chosen proofs from the engraved plates, Begining in the Year 1708, vol. 4
A collection of the works of G. Vertue of London, Engraver, the first chosen proofs from the engraved plates, Begining in the Year 1708, vol. 4
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A collection of the works of G. Vertue of London, Engraver, the first chosen proofs from the engraved plates, Begining in the Year 1708, vol. 4
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.,. ... J llr" /i' 'l/211/1 "171~ LiAZ?L ::/I t I HCSTON. . 7'111:,--., 7,,1r:tJ'lo1:1 t?/' /l,,/0·1-_lo7-tf I'o;Pot/tr, I tjrr1111(._,%1101'R a11d L:,-',,1/'l.o/ /i,;/,;7--.1to11 11/1011 //id/, t't711u 111, ~111~/I l~t' I0111111'1v1· 1c:ft11/,,, rite ?llo11t1rr1}, ifth1j 7rl/f9'don1 ;a11 / /Ir> 111e11/ <;llf/1/'t/2~ /fl7lld nuui1 :- ianttJl<7 I/". ,Yi; ~l'rM _£/N1/l'//01tf (f-;,/IN-al_ty'/11J JJ111n11t1l~y i/217 !_?171//~i'I .¢lilt> z,,,a,,1, tl/td~/211 fa1/i"11t1l~r :7/rllt; /1t1 (1' Ill~/'!/'(': ~or-I', 11'1?1t0, 11117 Ll~/Je/.1 ~ry;/J;( a_1~rl ,r/a~,;( //I;, .(-:111/ 11:011 I/It' ..l.Jl' w~-;;o/.N'd(f? //;l'rt'(I/ /o tlrtt'I' t/117 7iryr1_¥,~ /IVllf /11'r'tl'/:7; !11r 17 ZJn1/?r 1/1/7./ 1/t,ft:llary;/, 111//(I'/) 111;/or/1111,1/l'lt/ /i1oll 11111r1r 11/e L.tft .. o/lll{_fa1:1 l/ot-4 Z~y11/ 1:,:,rl :i1,d mte. ._c;/'41..1 Jt'1·va~1<J; /~Jlll'1·n~/tTI/ ;-);~f/ 1i111/(('~;;a -r (I/ .1lr1 ~-d a11ti,~,,/4t/. CLAJm~D ON, Vo/. JLp~: 143. L LOYD s Mem .o .pag: 7 1,,r, J-l?w1llc1h, E A RL (/LZT(H.F7ELD _lj_A'J?JVARI.J Lorri Ji-r,1,1a1'{;_., O't't /l'./.Z/a1/ :!/Ll/1·1fu/,,I 1i1 fo7!Jtdt7r11/1011 '!f//1.f l'1n1"an1i,/t;r111;·(',j (O tllf' lltJ111111ff'ar_r-lla( ti(?-',: 11,a.: (lleJ1_"'?1111.!!..,:/f !1;:·o'1h"I' ,o/,/1iH 't/f·17~-J/1y1;//11d , <"/~1/f'ft.f, 111~d,o,('tll1·f'I' 11/ 1/ t(yi(/,n·/11111, 111 1111' .llf:~no71.: fo~-p/fl1rlt11to11tl, 111orl 111'01(y 11/(y;/ to 1/t" Kmg's Jl·1Jt111 tlta11 any rlln✓ 11•f?rt' 1101-7Jf'<t'11tlt111/d f!ILl11f,j'•/a1111'J . J .?7f! 111a.1 /10110_111•:I 11~1;r// i/tt7 I01111~1n11r/,o/1//(d , 'lft.1/(/(yJ 01v11 ~roof", 1·0:_1/7~fl~f:? ;?/120 71~;/0.11.1 :1/' f'lllt/11'1/('· <Z!,1a~(y, 11•/t(1-/t ~/' /t,\l 11111/1 r/t?,!Jn'n/,_t/1- 70'/011r 1111d fo11dt1<l·,111//11-lt 11,11.1 1/l/a1ftJ!/rtr CLAHENll ON,U/ U pag.505. .. LJ .o)rD •s i i emo._pao:- 27.l:c. T H E H E A D 0 F T H E KINGS of ENGLAND, PROPER FOR Mr. R A P I N's H I S T O R Y, Tranflated by N. TINDAL, M. A. VIZ. E G B E R T Firfl: Monarch of E N G L A N D, A L F R E D the G R E A T, C A N U T E the D A N E, W I L L I A M the C o N Q. u E R o R, Firfl: of the NORMAN LINE, And all the Succeeding KINGS and S ov ERE 1 G N QUE E ~IS, to the Revolution ; WITH Some of the moil: Illufl:rious PR I N CE S c£ the Royal Family. Collecl:ed, Drawn, and Engraven, With O R N A M EN T S and D E C O R A T I O N S, By GEORGE VER TUE. To which are added, The H EA D S of Mr. RA pr N and N. T 1 N DAL, M. A. and an ACCOUNT of the feveral HE AD s, of the AN TI Q._U IT I E s that have been followed, and of the P I c Tu R i:; ~ Copied for Engraving them. Alfo, Twenty two P L A T E S of the MON UM ENT S of the KIN G S of EN G L AN D, with their E P 1 TA P H s, and I N s c R 1 P T 1 o N s, and a brief Hiftorical Ac c o u N T of Them, LONDON: Printed for JAM E s, Jo H N and PA u L KN AP To N, at the Crown in Ludgate-Street. MDCCXXXVI. F TO HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS R E D E R I C PRINCE of WALES: Thefe HEADS and MONUMENTS of the Kings and Queens of England, and of feveral Illufl:rious Princes of the Royal Family, Are moft humbly Dedicated, By His R o Y A L H I d H N E s s' sJ Moft Humble, Moft Devoted, AND Moil: Obedient Servant, G E O R G E V E R T U E. Rapin I. P· 83. Rapin I. p. 90. ( 5 ) THE H E .A D s 0 F THE KINGS and QUEENS, &c. The A N T 1 Q. u 1 T 1 Es that have been followed; and • the P 1 c T u R E s copied for engravrng them defcribed, with the A L L u s 1 o N s and O R N A M E N T s about them briefly explained. S E VE R A L Attempts have been made, ( fince the arts of printing and engraving were found out in Eu• rope,) to collect: and publith feries of picl:ures of the Emperors of Rome and Germany, and of the Kings, Princes, and mofi illufl:rious perfons of different nations; which have always been conJidered as agreeable and ufeful ornaments to their hifi:ories. The Portraitures of the Kings of England have not been unattemptcd at different times, but done fo imperfell:ly, and from fuch fpurious authorities, that they have rather given difgufr, than fati::,faction, co the Curious. In order to the making this collcllion more complcat, the utmoil: care has been taken and the moll: diligent enquiry made after the bell: authorities; :fi.rft, for ancient coins, royal feals, fiatues, limnings, painted glafs, paintin(l"s on wood, &,·. now remaining: Thofe being the only Ru~horities to be depended on with regard to the more diftant of our Englifh Kings. In t!-ie lz.ter times, when the art of painting began to appear with greater elegance, the royal portraitures here repreCentcd are taken from the paintings of the befi mafters; as is exprefiCd under each piclure, with the names of thofe noblemen and gentlemen in whofe poJfeffion the originals are at prefent; whofe favours, and the permiffion of accefs to the royal collecl:ion of pill:ures granted by his Grace the Duke of Grafton, Lord Chamberlain, is moft gratefully acknowledged, An EXP LAN AT ION of the ORNAMENTAL A L L u s I o N s is added to this A C C O U N T of the HEADS, for tl1c fatisfaCtion of the encouragc:rs of this work. EGBERT. A Medalion, taken from a filver coin of this king, who united the Heptarchy or fevcn kingdoms into one, and thereby laid the foundation of the Englilh monarchy; which is d1e reafon of his being the firfi in this collecl.ion. The arms of the feven kingdoms are reprerented on the top of the plate; and at the bottom, a Saxon leaning on his lhield, pointing to the Map of .England and the divifions of the Heptarchy ; fame Runic Characters, Stonehenge, Broken Idols, &c. ALFRED the GREAT, From an ancient pitl-ure preferved in Univerfity College at Oxford. At the bottom is an ancient fionc Bullo of Alfred. A view of the Danifh camp, where Alfred, <lifguifcd like a common minfirel is playing on the harp before his enemy's tents. This Prince defeated the Danes, took from them their flandard of the Raven, reflored the Mufcs to Oxford, appointed a fleet to guard the coafi:s, and efi:ablifhcd c>..ccllcnt Laws, alluded to in tbc ornaments of this plate. CAN U T E the DANE, plate. This face is much like the coins in form and fea~ ture, as may be obferved by comparing it with them, it is only enlarged and magnified to the <limenfions ncceffary, retaining the general character of the face, head, and head-drefs. . ~t bo~tom is rcprefented this King fitting by the fl10re m his chair of fiate to command the waves, and rebuke his flattering courtiers, who deified him, and told him he was abfolute Lord of the land and fcas. WILLIAM I. Called the Co N Q..U ER o R. Upon this p!ate are re- Rapin I. prefented his effigies from three filver coins; one with a p. 163. fword in his hand, the fecond with a canopy over his head and the third with two Scepters; and alfo a little circl~ from an illumination in Domefday-book. From· thcfc remaining pieces of antiquity the idea of the effiaies of this Prince is formed; great care and circumfpecl:io~1 w:1s ufed in felecl:ing them from the faircfi and befl: prefervcJ coins in the cabinets of the curious. The ornamental allufions at the bottom of this picl:ure, rcprefent England conquered and bound in chains, (.::i'c. the plan of Battle-abbey, founded by him, Domefday-book, thips, trophies, &,. WILL I AM II. Called Ru Fus. Two different coins are affigncd to Rapin I. this King by the collcll:ors of our Engli!h coins, both p. 1 Sz. which are reprefemed on the plate exactly of the fame fize. The King's piclurc is magnified from them, retainina the idea of the countenance as much as poffible. 0 The accident of this King's death hunting in new-foreft is reprefcnted ih fmall The mantle, ihicld, bows, and arrows arc the ornaments of this head. HENRY I. . Taken _alfo from a filver coin; and partly from his effi- Rapin I. g1es on l11s broad feal of wax, both well prefcrvcd to this p. 190. time. This King, called BE A u-c LE R K, w:i.s the firfi of l1is line that encouraged arts and learning in England. At the bottom is reprefented a cavern, wherein is tllppofed to be feen his elder brother Ron E. R 'f, blind and a pnfoncr1 as he remained to his death. STEPHEN. _The face is taken from the profile face on one of the t-.vo Rapin f coms reprefcntcd on the plate: And that of I\1.atilda (com- p. 200, monly called .l\laud the Emprcfs,) from a p:uchmcnt roll, being a pedigree of the Kings of England, rudely draw11 , according to the manner of that age, in the Her.i.IJ'~ office. R;i,pin J. A profile face, as reprefcntc<l on feveral of his f1lvcr p. 124. coins, three of which arc cngravcn at the bottom of this On the fcrcile, !hewn by the child or genius, is reprcfcntcd the dc.:fccnt and relation of STEPHEN and I\1 A FD tu \V 1 L .L .l A !\-1 the Conqueror, their ancdlor. The li tl,iltk, ·f { V.4 Rapin I. P· 5o4. Rapin I. P· 535· Rapin I. p. 532, Rapin I. p. 595. Rapin I. p. 6z9. Rapin 1. p. 637. ( 7 ) HENR y V. The pichire of this mofl: glorious prince is prcferved on board, painted antiently, now amongft the royal collccl:ion in the pabce of Kcnfington, and in vcllum-manufcripts of that time. His face moulded in plaifi:er, ufed at his pompous funeral according to authors of good credit, is frill extant: from thcfe this plate is taken. The Englifh Lion fupporting the arms of England and France, tbe beacons on fire, his mottos Une Jans plus and Dim ct 11um Droit fignifying his vigilance and fole fovereignty over the two Kingdoms. The rcprefentation of his marriage with Catherine de Valois, only daughter and heirefs of France, as a fculpture in BafTo relieve is added, with the Flower de luccs, to adorn this plate. ] 0 H N Duke of BEDFORD, Regent of FRANCE, Brother of HENRY V. From a curious Limning, finely done in a manufcript prayer-book pre(ented by himfelf to HENRY VI, now in the poffeffion of the Right Honourable the Earl of Oxford, In one of the leaves of this book the Regent is reprcfented kneeling, and his Dutchefs in another, both magnificently drefl'ed, with alluftve mottos, A vor1r enticrc &c. fuitablc to each perfon, Alfo their coats of arms and fupportcrs as on the lJrint, with the Hock of a tree, a1luding to Wood .. frock, the place of his birth , HENRY VI. From an ancient painting on board, done in the fiifF Aat manner of painting, now in the royal Collel'l:ion at Kcnfington palace. The charaller of this prince is alluded to at the bottom of the plate, by a view of himfclf kneeling in a chapel and adoring a crucifix. EDWARD IV. His piclurc painted on board is prefcrvcd in the royal collection, and reprefents him fair, and not fat and flefhy, as he afterwards grew, and as he is reprefented, in a large piece, faid to be his picture, in the Palace of St. J ames's, The arched Crown firft ufed by this; King on his great feal; the white rofe radiated which his anccfior Edmond Langley Duke of York, fon of ED w ARD lll. took for his cognizance and the fetter-lock with the Motto, Hie Ha:c Hoc Taceatis, he applied to himfelf and family, are exprcflCd amongft the ornaments on the plate; as is the magnificent interview between this King and the King of France upon a treaty of peace on a bridge over the river Soarne. EDWARD V. From the only picture perhaps ever done of this Prince, which is a painting in a manufcript book, wherein the King his father is rcprefentcd fitting, the QEeen his mother fl-anding, with this Prince by them, and W oodvile Earl of Rivers the ~ecn's brother, prefenting a book to the King. This manufcript is in the Archbifhop's palace at Lambeth. The emblem of a rapacious Harpy on the top, and the dead Lambs, or innocence murdered~ at the bottom of this plate, are ornaments adapted to his I-Iiftory. RI CHARD III. From an orignal painting on board now in the royal palace at Kenftngton. This with fome of the before mentioned pictures was removed from the ancient palaces at Wefi:minfter and Whitehall, when they were deftroyed by fire. The fancy at top, in imitation of painting upon glafs, allude. to a Story in this Kings reign, of Mr. Collingborn a Gentleman, who was executed for a Rhimc, (faid to be wrote by him J The:Ca", tht Rrt1 and L:ruel tht Dog, Rule all England ur.d,r a J/;g. This King's Device being a white bo:ir and H l:'.: ~R y Vfl':!: a dragon ; at bottom is reprefented ;t dragon overcoming; a bo:lr. The red dragon was the Enfign of Cadw,\llader, the Jail: King of Britai11, faid to be the ancci:or cf H 1;. NR y VII. HEN Ry vri. His pi{l:ure is taken from originals in the royai col!ecl:i- Rapin J • on in Limning and in oil-colours, and alfo from a draught P· 64t1. of that famous large piece of painting, formerly on the wall in the privy-chamber at Whitehall, don~ by H:tns Holben, reprcfenting this King and his Q;_iecn as big as the life. Tlm mofl: noble and valuabk: Family-piece was burnt with that palace 1697. The Union of the houfes of York and Lancafier, ( the red and white Rofc) 1s alluded to by the two Cupids at bottom embracing each other, and pointing to the pill.ure of ~ccu Elizabeth of the houfc of York. HEN Ry vrrr. From an original painting in Kenfington palace. Many Rapin L and various pictures of this King are done in large and p. 70-;.. fmall Limnings by his famous painter, Hans Holben; befides fevcral others by painters of leis note. The well known Fa& of this King's reign, the remarkable Divorce of his firft Qyecn, and their fcp:.ration arc alluded to by the reprefentation, at the bottom of this engraving. The reformation of religion, and the abolition of the papal power in thefe kingdoms, plentifully fupply dci.;orations for this plate. EDWARD VI. From an original in Kenfington palace, painted by ~a pin II. Hans Holben. p. 3· The noble foundatio11s of this excellent young Prince, Chrift's Hofpital, St. TJ1omas's in Southwark, St. Bartholomew's, and St, Bride's Hofpitals for the education of youth, the cure of the difcafed, and the employment of idle perfons and vagrants, are immortJ\ infbnces of his piety, charity, and benevolence; the emblems of which were thought the heft ornaments for his portrait. MARY. Froin a picl:ure in poffefJion of the Right Honourable the Rapin ii. Earl of Oxford, originally painted by Sir Anthony Ivfore p. 27, Knight. By the Decorations about her Picture are implyed her Character, her inclination to Papery, her fetting the triple Crown above her own, and making the Crofs and paftoral Staff her fupport; which fhc efiecmed above worldly honours. Her zealous and Religious cruelties cannot be reprcfcnted in fo fmall a compafs. PH IL IP II, King of Spain, Hufband to ~een Mary, from an ex- Rapin Il~ cellcnt original painted by Titian, now in the noble col- p. 36. Jetl:ion of his Grace, William Duke of Devon!hire. About this head are reprefented only the fcveral Coats of arms of the dominions and territories under his government when married to ~een Mary. Q!ieen E L I Z A B E T H. From her picl:ure curioufly drawn by Ifaac Oliver, in Rapin ll. the collection of Dr. Mead. p. 50. The frarry firmament and the Phremx in fbmes, reprcfcnt the immortality of her exalted virtues. Her fame extending to the utmoft bounds of the earth: her juftice and piety in dcfenfe of the Gofpel, her efteem for the holy Bible, THIJ' .9Vuvle.7loya/,;«;_, Oil rh g:"ef.511arc416',t.8·n,,;u.I:,:,·ec«h,a Oil aJcqf"u/41 h/u,·e.W!li1mi!,(b,-' :7./al/: 0111vll/r/2 A.e t:old tAI' 71'ojt/e/ he 7Vll4 01-oti,!7Af t./in/A,1· toJJ!I-" ./or wliaL: lu C,{Jttdru,r~ rP/unL· '!,l;'t/u1.f:.i /te liad Vu11. __/;/r7711, and flrnl. a 1Lde I' t/;p tlovcrnmW';lf ef o King ,he 1ua.1 lrou ,~ tit. f.o,tj?/e N/'e to tJ6ey: Ia11,J;fli77u/W'/2he/uul ~l'elt al,vf!.Y_d (?b'n:lt°r/_l(. t11ultll f-AP..llo-Jom qfa llwrrlt lu t/w~:~At:tAe £,p;f Nl- Ute J 7forld. /uul Nel'er vrolatnf /11.1.Fn✓i/l /o nt-/21'r/ 1va.1 Co71de,11111?1 m7JY: ro,~lrar!/ /fl al/ UIP'.Zam·J eft-/2.I" .Zand~ and 1/!.er F,~ayer.t tlcvoatl'l,//tronou'l/l'NI t/,IU77l /;(d7Gt.n•J, //l'faUmt/ll'd /Jt/11/l,l/'_1111/A an Ulljuzr : ndl".//1 /'/2rfil/a?l lotU'tZ.!fe t.<1 tile Elrza/ J'troH.c/ N1//_,1",/2 dEjlr/v-d 1lleWtlll.D11 fjf YVo&li/i- /Aa·m;110n r'iAad. ~ wa.1 a ..,01:li,,,, in_ 1vlt1Tm t//e 9/la/U"I' q/' /t,j Al'1<11uf.1 C.Ql/,/d tlf/rouer very,JC'lu Fau/1:.1 : nor /2 d F·iend.1 1v!Jlt OaterLZ:COJ171'-ly/2d.·4(i!:1fo11,01y aU.;t.fen. lovd t1ndre11t'-Yt11crt: //e/2ad a/11.NZJl:f /4i/tl t17 a Jaz/'e q/P!en: t;y: no.51-(an more /211/1/3/ t/1 /21J'JJmn5/IU/2' t!J/lui:;, dnd n 1ad the m.url'fl 01>ra'!fi, lu /lltJt'.fllll· /21,i7Y''j/nuJ.J/", .ll¥_t>dm1i/2eJ11. A111f yl'< tlte Ki11g's ,1/I011cur 1rtlJ no./oo11er (l/2illatul, 11 lld /u.d,./'!Jr .l{nz·er htvarl-Rd: lhtHt lu ilvrnv all tlu/; 711f!Jtilf.f /,rA.ti11/ /2/m, ilntf j/1111!,,/I/.J:,--.,1i(7t1.P__d /uj7'f'r/On and f0rllnU' i1111//_f,/nter;,r,·Zf'J ef_ tlu .t7rP.nq/i_·.lfa.: z ,1rd 1i/' ,1 ; 1u1d /~1~111/111t>'d to iltffi,11d ,1v1ili011t 111a/a,1~ 07/A" /fllj? ,J'te/1 . ut n 7l/ord, ,ullOeVf'~ ./luz.ll q/ur lui11 7Yr.Jcn·t' t-l'ji o/ d;,, .E,'.Y&Jl .1/V1zbiJ11, Ill' m11 ne IN' r tlu"r1A lu~1yjtf i11zder-valt1dn,llen,/ze /lialL /2ear i/w/ M U11,,i1u;l';I 1i·i11,',a/l1/ FUfi-l«I/, rd la.ti/ /11 t/11' .7]a/lall(f' k fClll/laJit Ill tAtlf o/'t41' £{7rd li!!u•I. ' Jo ended t/2~: ~(/~~~· 164f/.: a//rarif.'.Re/11":f!'A a;1tl L(1/t'z11~!(.,r a/0111' 11// ot/20}/:o-,':.t th.a(.ft'!/ld ?~/tlreil:,a:!fear 1l,tl'1_?rf'aL_t/r_.l!rJf1mA:l.nlto11 a- 1tl,7.(y;100:t/,I/-· ~/ l_l?t' dl't'(' Jl· I 11611'.Y. d/t'f. ~11eff, JJ~o& 7nw/01u: tlioL e,ver an31,,, !AiatLon nm.If to;rr/ 11,ttlt or 1111d't·r: a 'I/Par 1111v/21<1/ tli .1/)ll'llli7rlf 0/ all7ra7!/a1"llt771.f Otlj'hi to Of' ra;z 'd 07LI" {/' ul/ .lcNord.1 • k/1 ly 1/u, ,Ji,ayJ' qfi,,'. :f ,/2,'if,11, Zi!f1drl1{y ,-ma' Ji'e/.d/um J/2oulcl /,, Il-o(lu.:7ut,,din th w,;Jr(d. 0..AHENVON, Vot. ill.pag 210,2H . T ltt' .R. 1H o11N'tilf L ozw VI,'i"C O l7NT FAl7LKL1.N L>. ·v; 1·0 lng;t'uio er Artilm s ornatifs mo RlCHAHDO l\JEAD :MEJH CO llEGro: J111111; i1l'111 //1v1c ..//1_,F t;/T i"t J' . .JfiA/J; , II,: r11111/1'1°,,,1 11rf11Pt/t",IJ1rrl11111b • 1J;:n'1.i, 1i1 A/it.1. l/11.ffl'n, 111.Jll"Nl'/lllrt 11, 1 /2'/,'df/ 11/1,111 .iVtJr/,;,, .. 1fll'Ft_'rrl7 ;Al:!1'1111_111' 1111jHF /;11111/l 111i11t7 fl.E 111'/'II J/r/t ~/t(o11A 11111,,. do~1u tla11; ,; Jf, l/,111r,rlt r11111,tr,~;;1;~1t1111 , .. 4//i'f'(' )/1?/1 jtrf'//l'/1,:t/lrillt" ,~ IJ. I}_/}. ,-Is. Gord on. (f//. \ :r ,//JI((/, Ill FIYI//('(' l!llrl PlrtllfH'l:J lti111 :1:; /rJ I J f' • 1/(1:jir;,: 'I/ /1/ '_h:-, f,Z~7. \..1/.J. ' //' • ;· _/ / r,) // 't..,_, J/ / 1A • • ,/ ,-,-· / . ,r, {TO/,,/J..£'.H ,J_A/1-f: tlrlllt'l,'11/ tffH'll('fd/ll ii'l ti 1)11//, ?" Y 1/I(', .111.Jrllltlt'/./. r·1:1/ 111111~1y //It' 111~/[/lffl//l .,;· • ·/ ' ;, / c / I c I • / • ,I • ·,/ • ,Ir 'l:7 / I /I ,/11~/jl « · f//llltl 11 1 &tl/lllllN c111·. 1:I J.d'lll~ 't;/lf'/' !2. i/r 111 ,r/ , //(·11_;y,'/ /l, r/ _;~IJ!ldllt l.·r ·. '111> './1.'oy;JL ,o/1,;,/,/,1/ntti? /71 '/l,,11/'1/r,,111.1· 1i1' l71t/irttlll', ('y 7:;1,/'11/CI 1/i, '/llrm1 n'li/('(', "/)t' (:;cL,/,fZ',o/(/,/rl,r/ '£',./1r/1/;t· '/}/,;t•,? r;;,111·<', d/1'111.,(, f/1 'l/,111nlm11.1·. '7/,. , C1u7;,,·. ;j/,;1/rl.11mt¼' 1111/?m.1. (y '7/ o' /, ;i:Y ,r;I 'L~1;1lr1 /111,t-,·. 'fioiVCEi,O'T',o/'(/,i,l,11m1·/J ,111/?m.1 If! 7/ /,''/2;~1;1_rj'h:1y/;1/III ,· -,-, " 1, . ,,/'/Y // / r,;; ·• / • L' ./Ill' ' /20,1,1;· . 0/lLh' .'} I/I'll '.'fl ,/ft'/l;'fl / .fl ,/(/'//(1/( /II .1' /'/1//('{' • . r li1, v1 '//-ir?1.D. l/}/d/,'l-,:1·. ,/1(1'1'/' 1/,i1, ,Ill'//(/, Ill Z,l,111rlt'l:1, .1111;/ /(I /,1· (y (~,/2"1// ill,· 7Jrrtr1r;:i ,r1 ''//r~1yr1111(y jr•> 111/i'l.11 ,rf 'tf;-l')rit 7lt11/.m1. J,:11r,o. 71 I '/1. fl> 1/r!~ll'll~lfl (/n,111, rj :1/?//1 :''I/ff ,11mr0 llltt'<' t>II !11:1 l11t?r~lj7 //;,1/ ( 1(1,. 7?1 ;;ut U He,L T - - GU'. r 11 e Jfv. n oTb. t/76 .uORD J .L OP TON. T I IEiorrll/o11tz>11 1wl.f. born i11 ~7low11outifl7t,r<' 1i1 rtf/. ~ar 16'01, 1w,J nltrmll'rl at hi,,-0/,1 !olk,lfr iJ . .ro11:1111dt'r 1/lr %/tr011 o/'/// 1Ja11tlnjo?1/ a/l;r1rarrl fl;,,-, i{-j:/r1coln, tu11I ?llr'/IC /ro111 r-lt-<' ?IN6·1,off1t; >tr //;I' lllt11p.·&"<4all~l~f9' hid 7'1w.far /21d J/1/07'✓ /irJi- (fff'l''rt;t/!1;'7 luln~f/'ti, ft" J:0~11 /011111,:~l'.J (t(t,t r/202 9/a?'fr~'(I pjZ11t1(tJh (!e11r-k1111'11/ a.! 7lff1Ul~l'e~~jl"rl7<{7/r~?9' i/7~nva;,rl.[1"'it. rllr 1/hla/ 11n/e t1J ra,17raa1 :nJ/urt /2t> t'/ffl~t>!'l'd {It' r11Hi-_//l- /J(:/Jr11rr11ul1.J, ~Yn<tp~J 011.I ?l/n.n 111.f q/ 7//n r. . .'iii 111n,J 11 71-!fo11, fit;it"rtfll' /o nny q;;lllf-'l'aho11/l111tl 11,r7oorlfhulnf)111ulo;;1, a r(l'nr lou~'fljJl',·041 J,u:IEu- /~y .1101' fo i-e 11/l·t>d, a11d a t,"e,,1N'f?/_1il/ nor lo fl' l'fftr1tjl-ul . • % l11ul ;,_ .hnl" 1fl thl' lotf(J ?krlrame11/"/017po.1:I tl!r1r drn'7t'l"C111.1 'l?vte/dt/117J 1vltlt '/lr'o111,77i~nfa111/1f.i 1i1 tA£ .Ho1/fr, t:/t:/l'en1off7 t'o d~fo- ./11 a //lorrl, n Pr/?il 'l'r f011r-;0< a11d a ///11/l/'.r V.Y/'qjttto/1 111e1Y 7/ever 111arrynl /Ofll'lllrr ro 1unlfl" illiP 1110/7 /111101· rf,;/ //I/, Cfll/t"11 //1.·1 /7/11,7J11rlt.,11,/l'r/,~I/ tl,;/,V/;jc· '//0~,-, /1,✓1/I ;I,, 11~r(f;,111;/ Cm,u-,/lr.i,,..lj/,f'J jia,111, /,11/' /i,-1111rl, (I/,,'( /1/l.1 1/1~ , 1;,r1.1_, ,1111'1 ;;;,.~, 1h/L,11ul. 'l!POK 1Aefital,/11rl'l'11,I,,,,-'!f'{o/c4_,jiN; ,/2e q;;;,•o,t amt Ce,,,kmm ,i, ,lte King's /tdu:/f tlun 1nadt, 71_,/o11n;1,1vere le./1i110 ilte71rPIUA f/;,1// ~l/2t'¾1r11,11,hn·t' ttl~~ 11/l'l'I' lorll:I tl,P,tutdqfrmffl Cuard./Pt U/NJ7lJ41'111,./otJII ;.rjtl'r lllh/'/zfinte ?l/-eJ't .fi,u ll'li/; (},,INCi /o Vrtll'7 S'"(Y HARL.ES £l/CAS tlllll srcEORGE £ISLE /ti Fa,1/a.r 1111' &l'/lO"t7( 1h11 /1//r?l9" 11/fii, ;,,;, loU?lf"tl q;{ lllo Ii 1u11,,-,-,, 1/;"7 7/1/',re /old uz a jl,or,7}_1fro111j,;, 1h11" t1/ll'I: J<, /011,f ,111a,1/o o(ijl,;,Mte a ')JeJe11a, tL; IV/ld 'lll',;';IJ-ay /,Jr ,/2eE.rdr1'f'le 0/0 01/,n':J, //,17/ /om/', '!ltlltiar,t ..½1,li,rl'jl,071-&L oeE.xemNd. and ,hrfilo,-,, ;,,r;,t roa1tjtl /;od ,,;;,,.,.111,;,,~1, ,hj; /ho11ldpr~11tl,t I,,, .Jho//o '7Jearlu . .;:r {/;o rle,J £11;-;rJ ':'fa;,: 1,// 1/u ')//;;rrtrn/ t'O ;,repo N /;1i;1fi,J,'11i11trlt '1vad 1'[!11J d, llf/0/l, 1v/ucli,, fip/fu~ Ill' 111,1;n~ ii 11011T11c qi' ZJ_'ifre f/'!._'fr, OP .r~ar t:/ :pe0//1, add1i1~ 1/u,;-//<"flcr1z~ UJ ~ /2M£_tie o, 1/2.u/" Ha,;dJ. 6111" lojelC/e /21J ..foul 011d /2,,j -{liole. ;//Id 1101·,;70 om• eft/i.e ltlorld 9V1,I, all ltiJ ../2/lJ aootd lt,,n,(/2,jc;?,,w,yZ- oe,,"l;:7 ?V-t/.k trr/ft/~ cV.47:Y 11/ //ifatdlte_/llllu:i faoll 6e rea1'1- ,/20, lte l!o d q/lF 11 lo-oA d' '.Oeall! ,;, 1/,e .Eare, a 1ul 1101;, rltry ,1/t,0u;/J_ee t/,a,; /2e- ,fj1 ;/l t'(l/e. JU,~01/.1071 /11•/t~ou; ~07.!.f/Mr1/~~-or /2,.rrrM!:7 iv/ta( tfic;v /;ad an11/nd tO_ /'f'l/!f._./or-J 1/2e,,,1;,;l1:MJ//,';!I 7/Nre kd Ill& a ,o/artl t/2un':y, n·Aen 1/2,-y,Jo1md /l)rr;, .EilrJ p/ fll,[fa1tff1'1 re,-,tl_y,/or /l)Nr '7J;/j,atr/2. S.'CHAl?LES £[TCAS: ll'OJ j/2ui·,/iv} !,Vori; 1vlto ;.rjln- 0 111f'I? Mavm(11 7ch·w...-r, p1dld d07V7/, /;IJ //a,. a;_td 011e 11 :-i /21,1 '7lre,yl /th 7i'e/'f,/l'tl !Y ef' lor1ro;,;7e a11d .Z:031-11/ty / J/lfd J a 112 retu(yfor' _yo11: 11 011./ J?l'6el.1 tl'!_.f_Ot11· 17,oyfiJ-__iN' 0'.!7 .f.ltot r'nfiar ?.:>/ail'':, II': /i,/1_ /11111711rfr'atf?ly :_Z)l'ad, ·11jlt77U 71,1fiu:/2_.f. fl~c('~f L,t/!e ran lo /11111, l'J11/Jr1u·;I a11r.d A,t/if'i llMn,·Ja.7,111r'l' IIO?v, (ooll 1.1 a 7.Ji't7VL-"> .J),,n, e,.r;nril, 11H/lt11// h t,:7dli.or ;,r,~11,(,t. :7.v ,/2u;J?ood 111, ,-,;1d lotJJ:i 1/2-fje 1/w, were to l',renl/e ffi;u; ,i, LIie Fa,e; 011tl 1/2mh11!7 tlw;1,Jlovd Ill loo frmt 11 7J,jro111·e, Jj'alte to tli.e-111, l<J rome n earer: (ff 111lt1Clt 011e ef"lltt'111fa1d, .l/17 1'vt7rran; yot✓ ,!Jr /IN' 1/l l1ti'yot1: lte a1tj/11or'd__/,,ule1/'.!7,Fr1~.11rlJ _J 1/71.Jf' ~f'~/1 11earer,roN 11,llrll,!JOll li✓Vl'e "j.!.fld .II/I':' tltn~e11po11 ,tlu:J.r all,fir'tl rtp011. li1/ll and rluf rlte1r_ Yllori lt_~nu':fa lltat /te,fi/1 do111.1; 7Jf'ad n111/101IAJ/'tnt?a{f a t/t!lf!;rd. 7h11 ?lla11111'r r:/tnltoi1/' r/21' .ln,f',J f!{ tlU:Je ltforilt_(/ 71'(/o11.1,, 11..1a.1 (l/~11· a11rl lllftlw111 L',,ra111pk, ~ r·o,1f'l({rlnl /:y 111~ ?)/p11 t11 /,p 110:(I ½.;1rOaro71J, and "'~.f..9't'llt'ral(f' N11pr:.,r-e_,tl to .1'/1011,.,,:1.:lur.Jlvayrl tltf' Cf'1tt'ral, a~1rl "~'t7/ 11;.1o_11 r,.(I {Jr'<'.,f/t-on.1 _r1.f'a11 t11111ura/21/ ~ntl floorfy, "?Vtltllr/7. _Tlte T~Jng tl/1'/ff" act/tr llnv.1 '?/ tluor '/i·a_11rr,r/. Ur~/tro/-7//t, and l'/N'n 1fie..'rarlt11.11101r,/f'e7nY, a111a~'a al t.i. _ Tile hvo t/iuJ nu1rtll'rtl mf're, ~I? o/t/1·t'al ?/10111' n11d' Lj'j/h.,111 111 tltt> l/l,1r; 1/21' 0711' 0t'll'!t/ //.e/d 11.1,tJ',~°,d' a {011~ 111011tler if Hcr/P, ;It; Otlll'r q/ Foo~ aJ tlte ./V'n11011 f:arf. _ _ _ . ,/,' i'lt11rlf'c1 L1 ra.1 1ra.1 1/2".,9/o~o'.!7:/l flror/2~1· ~/?I Lorri l11ca.r,k /21.1 _7fr,11~ bo_th lo fltt" /lo1101a 1111/1.7{/late,,l'_Tlld /uul o f';-(/l'11t-.Fo1•itnff q/ !Jt.J 0111;1.,·/u /2na' /Jl'e11 /_,r,:,d' n1 tAe .l:7//1 ( 01u11t1yeJ ~un- ~l&r i/21' 7J1:1111·e q/ 0l't71{'7r',k al111a 1/.1 {7 //107~9'd,t° .7/ //orfr; ltf' _,~-a~ ff'(!/ 6ra / ·'t" ~n 11~.1 7-'l'/~f.On,, and 111 a 7Ja,I/ p/fla11i,,, 1,.,7alvv11 /~Ian lo loon 111M11 &:Jollow,·fl,7td.f!.lllml !I. 7?rj'ttl? eflw,t:l !I o::/rf'o111111ancl-EJ' q/ floe/I' 1<2 f 1"/lorlrl.f.7 0EO/l.{.1J! LI._(_LE alnif';(l•f 1f.tju·(I to tllh/111,<ate /2~1n, 1va<111 tJ_M1tl~':11u1,, 111/10 /;otl illl' /tUllt'-.Eclunr/10/l l1lli {!(/t_rer r;/Ft>o1:,-/2ai( all_y lo111_'{9'f f/r ot/2ri" /2~.rtz'// die .7/lmPIM 6tj7an.;a? hau11y 110 J)e,p_e11da111·(' 1r1011 tlle to,1rt, 1ur,.:Jn,,ff.Yd 01l(y lfy /2td 011/11; lo:3!<l'r11f't' to dr-11'aded, lll~y 16_: 16j5: _l_/,',,.,1 r-/toyiire a// l ll{fil-117:Y 11h11 .o/flraut>yk./fr1n0Nr a;prot0 /IN(/; Z.Jr>;,,o/7011 /tfJ ill«11·/1i/11ba1/d #;;- lljl l"ht'I i· _'l/"t°t«ia':J/ Pa r.1 aJ dt!r' //j;,/1 in1 /o {:Ji.·,P :I ..l1;ya/_ty 1:,/ ll'/oa 1: CLARENJlON,/b/. 1Voon 's 9 xon: ,,~J/ 11 . 2.7. LL0 11)\; ~l\ lemo:.f'ag. J.JJ. ' RS 'I'. ,, .//f/:.,ft>,·,;rrl, l7.YHL;~1R7J ::/Jt~f'Ol,/2_:vc.,·i:,r 1/1✓ J 111t/i. L!,~,r,./lt'~tl'" (3/if.'"I (,h' ll'r7._~/t~rrrvl' ir?//(1!11/ /"t1 . . - .9!t.1A£f/£~\77C.A'/2,,/Jt1l'f'II/', ,uul 1r/olt.1,·, 1;t/,r/tt(V_ II/":':' lt, . .1 f'//'/1 /..){'/l''(f/, 1111,/ 17!/'11,lr,~f/ //' 11/ /1/tU(t/.'/I (//1_1.4<1rt/U,I ,,., rhc L1u1;1, 17.J :1•r/l,u l:f/ .~·du·/1171t'fd,1(i/~t'/t·~~I//I /'717 ;1't"t'N(?f1// d;\,_l'/1,,u·~rpl ti 11W,(/O ,(,jt,11~ ,,,(~,1 /1~111, lf1111/1· /,e/,n·/1 ti /1• /(j~1/t·. r. .ft, l'lll1?'17 7,..11,,kn,,t'/.111'/NI ft:11,pr.1{/.',,7..,H11"/II (II c1/7_;:n•1i11; 1/ir /7t:w1:./ - g/h1..11;,b,~11'i JJ,·u,11u11,1,1t'.il'lj~;/ivo't" 11/1 A:11/1"/'i"I' q/ f.l/'171•11f a111//i>,,t1t"r1'111'I' t1i ,i/(ml'11lro11 ,1///~ltyi<w, t/2at'/2f',. eo,1!t/11t.'l'I'/' 011{/1n' a11(//tr71/1 ,-,1-_prqlll'Nt.' ////11"/T,11nf"A 11,/,,,,71jlt11.17.1,u;fi,7'/,hi ,;::l',1n·,t' 11111.11·1,1'.,,1·(1, 1'7·111/ 1/t,, /Ir f'it.,: l(j?llr1•!111 l'l'~ld/1;? lt;;/1?110 1///1111;v~:/ib'n1;;71-t;/on' ,;;tl;I (1/~f/ lh11(y rltl'l'i ~F//'J /"Yya_,,,, 111· 11111·/t-,,,11, _J • §I ~7ie 11N;-:_../t.~f1n-dl a11 E.,~~'1/"/4• ,t/ 00,1:rvau ./Jr-.r"t::cr.zo,,i ·, 1'111111/';f/ 1~'/to ,V? 111~111'1111<.-1,-1!1,1~ ,1, 1ll11r ( 11_1'llfr1/11r t d,,1.71 /1(',1/ /;nl'!7.'7 r:/>·A,,~r l,/.,..;-ty:1tt1r/ µ,, '11tt' /IO( f1/l(fl/'l'l'lllt/; /,I({ ,-/21"/'rl lit.J l/J/}111;/J_, /(l j'l7'<Yl'l'flll' rA,:/t: jtru,Jn/4w r:o 1i, 1/lr i·(/'<(t/~3/1/,.,,.,//;"';. ,: 1i1 ./~'.7111.1 ,t;l'_'l:,/,,1,/1n1rt' /'/11r/ 111'/1r l?/'lr7ll~J/I io 11,i .J/r111/·1•, . • ; ,7r,; /(1/1(._/la/;e II! r/!1•/r1/I, 11'/11r/l 1111ult.· A~, lo11rl 111.·1y 11nt't·1"&:110 1///,-11, /"~.,,J/1,11111~ l<J /,1'/"''11 ,11 a ./½ia' 1rltrrt' /t,, A,ul 110 ,t,'l't'k/11'/' r,:;;,,.. L7f1; 11111.1 //{'~Y./t:,,,,1·(t;/.f /II 1/~j fl(/lm_',l,tr 1/1 /11,i fi~f'rj:½·11"1:1, 11oi tif'~y' (:/,1n7N"/~ /;;7. ,7/i: Alll/,u1 t:tYt't¼:111 I/J11ft'://,,,/l,,/t/1_r/ 1111 /_?nwl /.,LJ:11/7'F,r;/fi!l 7'/'llA', 11.111/ //111/n,1t)U f'j li•1tj?,,..111'/',ll'lla0 t/1, al/ t;}/?J [!/'/)/1Jot/, 1/1 VII' ll,i;t r/20.'1/t; /At;/ff/tt'r lllr;_y;1111rf 1MI /},-u-/2'1'11 1r:/l'1•o·t', t'"1i,1:0-:?..1, lto/1, t'l'~/1l11all"._/() f'/1-{'/' (/~;7et/. . ,. . . . . . --, .__t;11~1.oi,y 1~1~n«11/o11., laY-tt11.1ftn111't'.1 ,·o,11,.yl_11rt',I ("_Ai,: l r'P7J1 ':, l,ft'11111~(/t'll 11;•,-/I //1111/21/111/' l (r'a,,r11 a11a'L:adlt co:!/l'ird1/._ 7"1107.<fll /Ir 11,a.~(rf'l'II 141' /J~,fe1111011 ,y'"/;1J Io1v,-( 1111u0. /.rl1"fy-i( f:(/ llt.t 01t111 ,kn·a11/J, 1/117/ 1'1'19" fitt' i"f't1',o:ii{/at1(:/1,l/ 10 ll,,:11; lr"II/ 1/117_ 7o-ror allllle11 11Nrl' 1,11/ll/·.t;I //It' / nr/,,Nmn11, m11/Tt' t/ll'11t ~l'alo1 al/ /J;/ 1101'/'a11rl1e.1 h:? 1111u?I' t'/;1'1~1/f''/211,1, 171n·-r101t,1 I/? 1/J,q;; 1111t' ruv/d'_ do tlll'111.t7ocvl. 1z11t( fr_ 1/l('f/. /,e,rtt//(' ,'1//1t;1 tl/l 1/l"'r //~¢rr, n11,( //"/'711( 0111' /~efl' t/'-7111t1lll'~-I,/ 117 17/M/~l'I~ 11//,11 ('0'" 1/tr'I' t'l1td /IO /20/h", ,11//'t;'7~.1·vrt/l1J/t, /,,-1111/ 1/1~ LJt".J lrtr/'lt/?II ,y'HD/, 11•/lr l1t llta1 l'l'~y'//rwr 1101·11 ,1,,, 1rn.111wX'r'1t'(f/., l////i'/.1.h'lOJ 111 //11• ,/;',-//II ,0/1'11· ,/i111 /t_a,I a,r _1rl'l'tl 11; /har,· ,/1 //21' /hw1'IJ 1711r/. 4#,Yv1011.1 ,if RM, lt/(7~•,-·t:1 ,.11, t7''IIOY1/·1t,1/.J 11',I 111N1"11 l,·lr•l'f"/,_1;/t';-1'111,/ 1"111t/ lo1~yt(//,1· ,1(/ tl'II' Ct·111'1W/lt(y ,"'/ i/11" '//1,·,·1· ,--- 11;///'11.I, fl.I 111;'1'/;/ '/J,.i./1·n/r'1,"/'-,,,1;/ /lad t'l'/'I' /,('/"/(' . 7(; /I •,1, r 1/1,, 11't'rl"lll/l'/i 6 A.'.A 7:LF.'.l/.4A;· tlll' P,;///l/4,Jy'/½'ll,· !At" /.1;/i /' /{/A'. \I 0, • 1/1,· /.,;1/.7/t/,\fJ~ l. 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JI ./2 rents. ,J'2 JJ ln.1.B J :'l p.RY.l+ :~ ·1..Atltw1 ~, ·'1 T.k1'i :% 4 ·'4 .. 0 ./' 'lll''lllrt7 ·IJ 1A1hv111r . .13 kCrun .n 1s end . . n -~~~i :;; .E:Mt z . .1 J .,Q .8 J .o· .. , ·4- ·3 .l?It'JfA.lUJ, h~m.1/t1(!k o/' (/7.1.l,\'T_L'B . .... _ JrJffB~/IL?nn7:· .BAS.SET d, E 1(013:P FE:RRER,f Barf f,f'llffBY f-o EJJJfUJvJJ l~J t1,,'Yr;!,;1,, J,m _ ' VJ-~ I 0 - _/c lF ! fiALPH d, f,_,&NJJ [TRY to _AII,IH 'NIJ (~' ( h'r,rl_o/Lf.l'CdST.F.B ,,<_l '-"'"' -• ;Jl;~w·' 411111111/ '1r;11& fl/'{', ,/Jl1111:l'jirl 1i17111.>, (//LIi, ry/111 111/~11/ '.r', ,11•11Fr1rl 1111lrN1h\ , . j 9rwtJ ~1 1· (_½11d1 J1nvN·11;/ 1i11/211 _ {i/f;t(,J:F (7;,frt't'/;//,'1m1'ft.Ji,'FP r 11 i/21, (lr;y1111'11 1, '(17/71111 (J/i1,;,f,1111 11,lti'Jlff tlt~y 1wN 1/1l111mlt',/ 17111/ /,1::7m11'r/ i;_y t)'."l;JlF th, l1i1·1i·y ,rf /l!11/y1r11}1J Dm1lt111. l'/._j,\'_ AJB. C .D. 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(' \ n , ,///?n/;,a/-r 11-,ilt. ~ t7/4Nid, 11~ar , (?J,ler./ !.~1t1111/.-~ .._fr'r1'!Y -ffitl 13,,,,f,ft11r1/l._/4rt,tLtllt.e. 1:,1.1r EIT=""""',\\;d=;.;2== nul fi'/1/;/,uw /.J?uaJ.___, 14 • i--La~ye ,%,-r 1/'tilt.jOur .7/(,ji/1.111/tt,,u'b.J, aoyf,i 141' I.Jf,Nul11Cllll~Yin,,· , lt~·ret-, 15 ._ r'.J1i1tt/l/,il1161"ll1'h, 11/lhe 73/aa- 110111 ml!tl tlt{;,,'l,i /IIM1l/ 16._,,f.L,;.,~yr,%r/ 11·1ih.J,;111· l.fl11lnwrh, n/,J?,;lt, P,,,.J rrmrr. 17, (,Ji,,,,/1/J?,,,lrwl,r ,w,l.1if,1rto:y, 1171 (/r11,l/1i1111:,11 ,/( ;11.____ 1. 8 : l;i:,rt:(/;;,,.,rrltLt{i:,l ./~ ,Jr11·11;"k'-,..__ 19 ._ L.t1it1tlt'~y' J.·l..l.l,~·,Mltr(J1'k ,;l .%11111,o/t;,;;u. -20 , ( !l11u..lm11,t,<;-T,rr 1nih ·I ,J'l.,{f :tfi11/tn11.fJ, ,rtZ,;M' la/I 2 1 ._ / ,ry;;,rt-11'/ilt. 4_ ./4il/:1l.l11/- 11 ,arfr.~-':1 IAt' ~~::'I" tt~1,l.!f}1,I,, 11,.l. .1/""'''.Y".J,l'1rl/J._ '22 , /...£;11yr'Ji,r1-,nih.J_//J11/ 11'r11,/,.J,111•«;:fMd £1' /.flruk11i:J~7' 23 ._ / f/?M1w/./ ,niA 4- ,,.JlmJ.J 11rard,_[,';,,.j ,/f'<;,y11t,1/ 1/1 ,x,;11( ' 1/rre(,..__ /ll'lll'.J J/o/,r/t)J ~ imo l}ifhopfg:1rc ilreer. '1. Cutwt withiu the g:lll' . ,G. J Door.i11fo tiil' d1etoric prof. llo,lg;111g."ll. . 1. Pl1ylic proflodgi11g;s. 17. No1·1h pi:1zz:t. 4. _Re:1ding h:1ll. 1.S. Aflro,10111,v prof lodgi11gs ,'i. )lulit· Jll"ot:lodgi11g;i. If). South 01· long; g;:1lic1y. P.:w1crs 1·oomc11111Jen1,•:11h. cto. South pl:1zz:1. (i. P:1(Eigc Lcrwee11 tl1c rwo courts. 21 .JFoi·c doori1110 tlie aflrn11omy 7 . Gn•l'11 conrl . l prof.J0Jgi11g11. S. OLl<'r";1101:v. • n. Well or white gaHcr.v. ,9. C.comcny prof.lo,lg;iugs. ·:,{"J- A/mes l1oure~. ,o _{Back door into 1l1c p•omc11~' :l,J. \\'c·lr end oftl1e fouth gallcr,y. prof.lodgings. ;25. Gate inru tlic Oablcyftrd n . Room Uehiud rlit• r<':tcling lull. ;,zo·. f.,11w pi-of.lodgings. u. Diviuit.\ prof lodgings. :27_J Fore door i.1110 the bw prnf. JJ· Phyfic prnf:chbor,1t01:v. -l lodg,i11gs. Ji . llack door t'o 1l1c d:1hor:1.ro1;v. 28. P:10l1ic i11ro Suny11rd :29. Sr.1bl1' ,,711-d :rn,l fiablcs. ' '.,;, Z " 1 )71 ,f/q,,..- :t, ,., l,flZ /111 // ? I hfQ,::,t mt-rcti,,s: nttill•:> .(lv o ru-, •q_·ua.S . ·ove T11.e \Ve,l.iirr. 'l'/u,f.,,, ,, ,,,/ ;1orl: M ,,r I ,,rhr, l,,r 'I ,,1: :1 ,,,,, ,;t,;t 14 /::; 'l't,,,, J,',,,,,,J,,,,,,. 11,,,1,,..,./ 4,, ,,2-:z ,,,::r, t:::,/-r ,'f;'7. lo/ /", tr,r,1 ,t.t;,,, / '/ 11;r, , f 1 g z a 3 b lfluird.Zi.f'. ,,- r• Oood.F1:iU. A111(rro.>r:B. 5 d r'a.11- 0<'r l.t?.tll.cri)a»-« 7 / Eoll:crMm1d ,., S g 1•;afkr'J'tw£. (I 9£1 , o b IJ c 0,·1'rlCh'la t ,2d ,3. e T1•1,11 s br-g. ,7 b 1.8 C ~~ ~11~irt%i?. :I.Ir a/nd.Pa.Jl'. ng ~ :23 a Y.J'~te/l H ,4 b 25,. if 11g.r 8 I ·.Ala// ' '.fJ({!J{ a,rUll :i.U . .&z,1r .Fa.rt" ·, .,,f}~-:f O (IU"Q'v,S J4 .tiJJ~i,. ,'://t,· . {7/7(:>-{ JY7!/,, ·' , Yler)'O' J /0r/ll 0~111' ' :l!../11(1.J t -'//·. ~·Jr7. 11/1•0 1r1t 11.:;fl raj,?k-<~ ~~□ □ 0 □ 0 □ □ □ □ 1 !Iii li!l el [" El El il!!I il!!I lLl Iii El A n C _j~ 7 ll\11 tlil l'!!l Ii&! 21 Ill :IT! ,cl !;'! lLl Ill! ·3 □ □ [j'.J □ □ □ r, □ ~ □ a prope occidentaJem F.ccleCTae Cathedralis partem fob terra tredecim pedibus ruino MDCCXL detectum. ~lnlli11d e Jo.rq_fiina1/11.t, 11b:,fa"l1t1a1lor at! :f'11f'1lt ttt r/111dt111t J/e/1"t-. , j1;111111J1 l'tcrlla11n~nd11v1 /t7Jt"a '. Ubn1a .. c e/4/l'n.dkJ 01zt1a11i11 <trllJl7ttcl11J, tt)'ll/7 111111!11J11 tktrziltJ. F . .!2J11/'t~11[1d!f?l1 ttj.Jellat11111 . vf',f,,<'fld 111t11111 f'<t::7111tz/nhv amt-;711af11,,,),o/lt;..,/11J lt,l,lj'rtJ,odo /'t'fli'J f'C G, ,fl,1a,;,1re11,u/,1.7era:Jo-rlr;,1,rlo 1i1 /11!11lr1111., E 1i1,r': '7tMfz101;10/i;eJ /4:z/11,1,·~a'Jfltf' / 't'd-:1 r1e 17«al11,•1;•rllti-eJ alt1tJ; 1711alla1F rlnt!l:'u 1J'flom1Ml1111t 1't'c':f'l'/.a1t,. rolt111211ono11 latt'nl1izn1111 oalt/11!1M .f1t;jvilt1J. H . . %r77?JIML altl"1'/1?1L/ ad t1tttl?"Oi1/lrf?111 11//~tr07t/Jll. ,.P.E · cl:d/111,: a1lv1!t; dtotlraill /"'/lt;..e.; lc11,, ;,II/ t-n'rJ y11alt101-rlrai11, at!__, & tj'im'flll/J/lflll 1'f'edu111 . Sixteen of the ~et of thirty-eight Y.: ings and Queens of England, large paper proofs (16), !,2 1Os. Sir Thomas Gresham, proof, rare, ;2 1Os. Sir Philip Sidney, 9 by 6 publ. 1745, good , !,15s. Beaumont and Fletcher (2), 13½ by 9, publ. 1729, !,l 18s. William Shakespeare, 13½ by 9, publ. 1719, good, 17s. Oliver Cromwell, small 4to, in an ermined cloak, rare, 12s. Sir Edward Nicholas, proof before any inscrip tion, :r,,2. Richard Graves, of Mickel ton, proof , 16s. John I:Iilton, three-quarter length, in oval of stonework, 13½ by 9, publ. 1725, good, !,2 2s. Sir John Locke, proof before letters, ~l 14s. Sir James Hare, historian, folio, proof, !,l. Edmund 1J'Taller, 13½by 9, publ. 1727, 12s. Anne Queen of England, three-quarter length, in oval, after Kneller, 18 by 14, fine, I,,2 12s. 6d. John, Duke of Marlborough, afterz:neller, !,5 5s. Thomas Sackville, Earl of Dorset, three-quarter length, in oval, good, !,l 8s. William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle, three-quarter length, in oval, after Vandyck , !,l 1Os. Dean Swift, proof before all letters, I.24. Geoffrey Chaucer, three-quarter len~th, in oval, 13 3/4 by 9 3/4, good, 12s. King Charles I., and the Heads of the Noble :i:.ords and Others who .suffered for their Loyalty, on ten sheets, published in 1746 bys. Austen , in Newgate street, I,,2 2s. George II., when Prince of Wales, nearly half lenP:th, in an oval, 18 by 13½, after Kneller, 18s.; again, proof before letters, I.2. John Dryden, three-quarter length, with wreath of laurel in his hand, 12 3/4 by 9, proof before all letters, !,7 5s. -1- Ben Jonson, three-quarter length, in oval, pro of before all letters, ~4 10s. William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, good , 8s. Abraham Cowley, the Poet , after Lely, decorated frame, 13 by 8 3/4, good, 16s. The Countess of Sunderland, proof, 11 ls. The Countess of Carlisle, proof, ~l 4s. John Robinson, organist, after T. Johnson, rare and fine, ~l 15s. Portraits of celebrated British Poets, complete set (12), fair, ~4 lOs. Sir IIatthew Hale , L.C.J. of the King's Bench , after the original painting in the Guildhall, by Irichael Pright, 12 by 7,¼, publ. 1736, Front to Hale's "Pleas of the Crown," 5s. The Right Hon . Thomas, ~arl of 11acclesfield, Lord High Chancellor, &c. , after Kneller , publ . 1722, good, ~l. Lionel Cranfield Sackville, Duke of Dorset, half length, after Kne ller, 15 by 10, publ. 1732, 18s. ::Jdmund Spenser, bust in oval, 13½ by 9, 14s. Edward VI. giving the Charter of the Gift of Bridewell to the Lord Uayor , 17½ by 20, publ. Feb . 15, 1750, 15s. Cenotaph of Henry , Lord Darnley , Latin inscription, 24½-by 20, publ. 1736, 15s. The Royal Procession of 'ueen Elizabeth, 17~ by 21½, publ. 1742, lOs. 6d . - 2-
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A collection of the works of G. Vertue of London, Engraver, the first chosen proofs from the engraved plates, Begining in the Year 1708, vol. 3
A collection of the works of G. Vertue of London, Engraver, the first chosen proofs from the engraved plates, Begining in the Year 1708, vol. 1
Full title: To the Right Honourable and my Noble Patron Edward Earl of Oxford, And Earl Mortimer, &c.&c. A collection of the works of G. Vertue of London, Engraver, the first chosen proofs from the engraved plates, Begining in the Year 1708, vol. 4. Description: Title page of volume IV reads: The Heads of the Kings of England, proper for Mr. Rapin's history, Translated by N. Tindale, M.A., Viz Egbert First Monarch of England, Alfred the Great, Canute the Dane, William the Conqueror, First of the Norman Line, And all the Succeeding Kings and Sovereign Queens to the Revolution; with Some of the most Illustrious Princes of the Royal Family. Collected, Drawn, and Engraven, with ornaments and decorations, by George Vertue. To which are added the Heads of Mr. Rapin and N. Tindale, M.A., and an account of the feveral Heads, of the Antiquities that have been followed, and of the Pictures Copied for Engraving them.; Also, twenty two plates of the monuments of the Kings of England, with their Epitaphs, and Inscriptions, and a brief Historical Account of Them. London, printed for James, John and Paul Knapton, at the Crown in Ludgate-Street, 1736.
Asset Metadata
Vertue, George, 1684-1756
Core Title
A collection of the works of G. Vertue of London, Engraver, the first chosen proofs from the engraved plates, Begining in the Year 1708, vol. 4
Alternative Title
Histoire d'Angleterre. English (
University of Southern California. Libraries
OAI-PMH Harvest
1 v. plates, ports. 62 cm.
Rapin-Thoyras, Paul de, 1661-1725
Unique identifier
NE643.V567 V.4 (call number), rbm-NE643V567V4.pdf (filename),rbm-m2 (legacy collection record id),rbm-m865 (legacy record id)
Legacy Identifier
1 v. plates, ports. 62 cm. (aacr2)
Public domain
Internet Media Type
No known copyright (
Rare Books and Manuscripts Collection
RBM: Fine Arts
University of Southern California
(contributing entity)
Access Conditions
Send requests to address or e-mail given. Phone (213) 740-5900; fax (213) 740-2343
Repository Name
USC Libraries Special Collections
Repository Location
Doheny Memorial Library, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0189
Repository Email
Inherited Values
A collection of the works of G. Vertue of London, Engraver, the first chosen proofs from the engraved plates, Begining in the Year 1708, vol. 4
Alternative Title
Histoire d'Angleterre. English (
Full title: To the Right Honourable and my Noble Patron Edward Earl of Oxford, And Earl Mortimer, &c.&c. A collection of the works of G. Vertue of London, Engraver, the first chosen proofs from the engraved plates, Begining in the Year 1708, vol. 4. Description: Title page of volume IV reads: The Heads of the Kings of England, proper for Mr. Rapin's history, Translated by N. Tindale, M.A., Viz Egbert First Monarch of England, Alfred the Great, Canute the Dane, William the Conqueror, First of the Norman Line, And all the Succeeding Kings and Sovereign Queens to the Revolution; with Some of the most Illustrious Princes of the Royal Family. Collected, Drawn, and Engraven, with ornaments and decorations, by George Vertue. To which are added the Heads of Mr. Rapin and N. Tindale, M.A., and an account of the feveral Heads, of the Antiquities that have been followed, and of the Pictures Copied for Engraving them.; Also, twenty two plates of the monuments of the Kings of England, with their Epitaphs, and Inscriptions, and a brief Historical Account of Them. London, printed for James, John and Paul Knapton, at the Crown in Ludgate-Street, 1736.
Coverage Temporal
Inherited Subject
Great Britain -- Biography -- Portraits
Great Britain -- Kings and rulers -- Portraits
Repository Email
Repository Name
USC Libraries Special Collections
Repository Location
Doheny Memorial Library, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0189
Date Created
Vertue, George, 1684-1756
Rapin-Thoyras, Paul de, 1661-1725
University of Southern California. Libraries
1 v. plates, ports. 62 cm.
Internet Media Type
No known copyright (