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A collection of the works of G. Vertue of London, Engraver, the first chosen proofs from the engraved plates, Begining in the Year 1708, vol. 3
A collection of the works of G. Vertue of London, Engraver, the first chosen proofs from the engraved plates, Begining in the Year 1708, vol. 3
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A collection of the works of G. Vertue of London, Engraver, the first chosen proofs from the engraved plates, Begining in the Year 1708, vol. 3
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18 oyal Hi e he PRINCE o AL~ e1~ Royal Higl1-11-e PRINCESS ofw_, / ' 1~·v,;.:J A':'.u/4tl1 t,.,rr f/'l/li'/'I /)AuW/ $; PJ u1i c;11I o!;__rji 1/P.CJ- /), //(II ti • \ t ,,·/,1. , l/1·1t //, I I.· .I '/1(/f I/ 1· r: Hn~·c•1·11, r:.1L· /; /> 11( 1111111, 11111111 /n • r ;-J/.r:r IA •,· . , ~' I !111/. . \' 11,1 u. II l/,;'l'/2 I~ ,, h//. 11 1,1. /,' -, /,, , r, / .,), ,,n , /', ,,.,, ) ,, ·1·f, 'i • , S:' fl J L/j_/L_lj T)l/7, 1_/ IJ [7_1, PJEH.R.t: ,:\J{I OKO!\' PROFEs~·EvH llm:u. DE J\.'\T]IE.\lf\TIQY l-:,S. ET ME.:HHHE D.£."i_ \C'\OJo:.\\ff.$ Hm::.\LES DF.$ ~CID' 1 I ) 1 II.,, : !(11 (I.~, I, ( Ai.\ (; !}; \ ( . I ·; ( I /) /.., fpita.-pbutm lo. Frobc-1t-11 i,,ir E- r,1~- Rot An ,Ll ft1..1.1t,nl5 tept Inc Lr,-~ _ t,( • ..t Ft-(' hc. u.,t \\t,1:~l:t~/ 1:~,.~~l- l:\.:t(~j ~:~;~~~ -~l;~:L.,/~\-C;\ll~•\ ,ul,,,c i•.1uit' )\.tC:"l. tLt t (.wt orb rt ?•tnntc fH-O. flctt-1tl\t 1n·,,....ti.nt- .:t~ rtv,n w,,M\U11t<:at"'- ~<>t' 1('ru.1n Arh! 111.<H\H cu ·~ ,tY(., f.-"1l(').-c C.tJ C ti \.1/\C "l:I\A-it1'1t \,1\ c.c.1, .. J!h• I lll.1t1H,\ 1u~t-~ 'l':l\'.l*C'IVI\C.\H., pc1· nr,_• VI\ t1.ri·1'.'I. f ?crew.", u~,t. ()Jrt'lll,c.( F,()bCl\lC\\W; fo.-oen.n\1.1,; ~\I.<.(. 1\.-01\ :,ol,un lt-Ol'I ccp-~\.bi.t- ob Jan c;u1 linefstV',--n, \c..{ "io,t1ll.\ )11 /I /I /J l 0~ \ 1 • E.' s 1,~ L I) il1~ l J l1n"CCC 11 ru~tllS. I' I I (,, I ,,, l( I ,J. /;,,· - ffrn1,1 J /J,,-,1111, / '?//,-,- ,111: , ... r,: :J .. 1//11,I ()1,:.,/1"/ l{I /,.,_.)f r1/"l. Y.•1'1,:tr/' 1//l: /J 'J1/;1 1111r1J ,ll 1·n1.1 ,111.·/r'. • J<' 1~1 11. I.I TI10.1t.1:: ,-;· ~llir111 ,\\ 0111 . 'f'/11•1111"/ .lf,,,7' 1/11'1' Ill/ ,;, ... 1 . lf/l~"fj1ttrlll l ?1y 1o't1 '/lt,,, f/1·1;,-_i1/t~1 1111:.:.u. ,11, J/,•it,u,,, .,;,;111,.,,1,1 , l'.,. 7'/f(}MJ!S L Ii O RF, K ." 1 f,,,nl ( '//(/11,·dlt•r :i'A '11,;l111ul. v: IJ1,41/.t1Ar1 J)11n~.,u~r. 71;,, . lf,,r·: /ii,;, rUl. ·g_,. -. {,·, ,/1,1 / l,·11?1111 71,,._. ,11 ,•n j1Ttr1 ,NI ·:u•. ;\'. /,. ·.II ,,n1.1 Th,•: _fr1/1i1,1 ,111._·/1. _,J. ,If ,llt/rll't'/,/ (,".,,fr' d///11.1./ ,Ill·•• //1. / /,·,11,;•1r,1 ~, ,·1t.'hwu.'1' '/1,,,.-.ll.,. .\/~,, ,111.•fl', \ltll H' I :t . I 1111 • /;, •, / ,';;, ill/, r /1,., / 11//11.,. , l/r1/,·nr·11, ' • ~ j, 'j'I Ill/ I /11 I /,'/,I,,• I Ill /III 11,•f./l· /'I 1,·1/ ( 1·11, ._f'/,>a11 ~- . '- ' ,;. .. ~ . '~. ' , II - r / 1111Jolrr11A ~~f ~ f..:£ I I" 1/4 Rfi--= ~- ~ .-wff-e.~ /f, __ ' lr1: ;-o. I V '\. \ 'I' \ IL\: 1, u '. 1u:T\ \\ 1:'\PIJ:\ IT ( '(l\\l'O ...:JT\ "01.\'\i\T\ H l>"'\:- 1 .\\ Ht ' '\.'\.'- I \,'J'\I ' I.'\\ I . T \.'\Tl \IHI ,,, \\ 1·111,,\ \~ \\ 1:. \\ T\ :- .,..., l ' I J<..:Tl'l'l'f t ' \ J.' I\JH I , I ' II 1'1 , ·"'· 1·11'vnr10 11 01, 10,1i1r111.cT1:'~ l'oi111 ttY,,11.~~VPl( \'tfliDr~,¾ .r-:rtr,' \____ '/// 1• /t.'ll(·t•f'rfllt.l / •(,1/11·1· 111 {/0.1). FR. I , \ '(' I S / _, ,,./ 1.1,.,1,,1/, ,1'/?0r 'lf£J'Tl·.'II ,,,,J /JJ,, ; J, \ ' ,<'! ' /l°/-, ;17 ; 111 , 1:J7'/'.1/?. ' /' ' )~,,. ; ,;,1ho· (/l COIJ, F/1,J , l'( Z! z. ,,.,.,1 /J, .,,,,p r'/ NOrJl/:,STl:.'N ,m,I l)/:; ,1,v :;t·' II i,S7'1fl. 1:i'lZ ,'/? . ,,;. ,..,u !'tr :·,, ~ I) , ( ) ~ i/!t Ill!//;/ /10 1 0/'/!{ /(JJ ~J 1/,Vf) 1 (/_1 BSO_ \( r / )('(111 r'/11~.,: llt,111·,,1 I/ .1 /"II(,., /1,•tlr>nr,1, ,rj;n:111i1,r ',llld!t/11111 11111(11/,1 , .1;d,·11,/1;/:j.:1i11,F J,,·01/ 1 ·11111,1· . ~\ '(t'jlbtll //tlll ;11 ·1111,,'J . l,J'•l,•1 // ,I _r1,l,,1,,111;, r;,;111/,111 ,lt111 ,l!l.:_';l1c lx1~~'i'lll . 1 . IJ. , \/ {' .\ xr11 .'f1111,/t1/,1//III /1,1/r11( , (Jl't!tl/,'//1',llli' ,, 'r111tt,'ll1'/{'/l.ft'lll .)11/· n 1,;11l1 , \'II JJ1'/lt11!tdt /Jltlll'r'l/1 ''.1llr'I'//, /r,11 ,111/,111 .1,· ti.',1,f,·1;11.,1/.11., ,1,/,,/'tjr.,1! .'l/,·,l1i1111~'/11,· 1111111111111 _r)f,'1,·~' 7·'. 1,< _j/11·,, .'li,1_,,11·, ,, ,·11111 ,1j,;,,/1,,·1,•l111: .r,';,'/1111 ,l,,111/11:--:::, ' , 1tj,•fl , ) ,',(-t/f/ 1.11, ·111,·11u.", <ft",,., ll,•nt,1,w<1~ • ,l,,ft~l,'t1/, 111 r;, ,rr,· ,;,,.,;Ir ,Hr,11•1i J,•,·1,·/,;,,, /J11111t<1r . ...l.,:111,I ~I./} . . 1/ /} ( '1' 1\r .'\ 1 ,,--/f. ' :) J'. ll.\\O:\ll \\._ \l,LLlt U,1 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ N " 1 11!,,~' 'w~'. 1t~, 't;:.r;;.~ ,, ~ ,- ~~~ - A - •"' it . - f" .· ' .i~ . \ ~/ ,,- l/1111 'lili/J; 11'"·' / 1) I \ . \ I / , /,/'/,,I) I ( 71) II'/.' It' 1, I.: rfte /J1 Jl/(I(,' , 1 1 //l:~1, II, I /) /) /},, /1,• 11,•1 ,1h 1!t / } v,· (,'// /J/:'/, .l! 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B UTtER ll.111. /,' l:1/., ,, llu ,,II,,,,,. /J JJ IJ I : ,,, /'1,,11,·/ 1/1 /) "" /)' 1•' J,'/)11//,'/)(l( o111/1 cJ \ c 1.\ / \'. \·,-. .t,I. /1,/1,l/!"1. 1/11.··, • l/111rn. /\,' ,_ , 1 } 11 F' I t'l. /J /1 I (1 Q ILOl"l(Jl d :1111 J s 0 LI 13 E JL \ 1.1 11 .\ \ Q 11 F, . \_J1.T I 11 . \ \ La II d c o I ; 111 lo11uc C'l.11·~fs~11101·11111. -, 0 l '. T ('. OJ l l'I'[ 1 lf)l{T I. lER ~c i>'.cc\i ' ~C~,. \ . ~- -~ , (r, ...i ~( . ll ',;\' .·_-!},_~ :~ ~ ~ l /4 .~ ;) G ' l j 'J 'f , -~ L,,;) '1t r J '/,,, / ,'11/i, r o; "/,i1 ,;/1J/i / ),,,.,u, Ire,·,/ 1·11 //u ltm, (;f,'f'f1/G I}' ( '7!, I { rC'/:'I{, \ ,,1 Atll(/ /,'.(11 1,1nl /// ,md Ati1;; H 1d1t1 nl II, Iii 11·,1., L 'p,,, / /,{////'('(/ /, ('((It', . I'.' )J . l_,/.01> I (;.1,,/,n11,,,I / lid ,,;',111 /2()111111"1/;I,, / ,11111/11, ;;i.-,t ft,'. ·ol /,, (/!(' /..,111·, 11li1d1 !1t· v111(/1·,I, /t,tt'll/tl {/ i11,:1111' l· 111/I 1.:11<11,,, 1/'({,I //1!'({{/i'{/( ({I lt)l(tl /kit/I/ II'. 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Cc, /I, II I Ill ///11111,t It<" f },,•/1/1, 11•,1., ! i•l'I / ,1/ 111,•,1//1• l /11n,,J,1111c'.• <(ltd A tl!tl C!1t11'/,,,, tit,, Ju.,"/ \ · 1.11t/1<•1 1,itf,,, I/J/111,,1111! 1 :,,•11:1l }11ml//4; _J,q/1, <f,·. l 1· /.<1/ 11, l ,·,'l','ltl~fl /,, t/1c ( t>/11111, 111 l1u1!1ft _ I (lf / . \ •. 1/J f ,'j'(), \ •, t111t. 11u11 r 'ow1.;,; 1·, I \ · l 11 t1d1111;·nl l i 1d, 7;;_, 1111c/o;,/,,o,/ ,,. ,·{'('1'd1iu11,·,,/I ( tit,· l ,1111'(/l/(lld l b1/'l'l"(1//111'/t1,t! /llt/ll(,i''<(1(1{i-, )- l 11tlio1 i11·1fh, h11111t1,t!,/,, f J.11f(ldmu, alhl'l11 1iulmv l }}111.,· . Cl1ttli'<'f<'l:r ;>/ J(,,/Jdl1i111,. lrJ//,ft'//,f(cfl(tlfl'-t'l(jll_ , , _ 11 . . '1,. ,_l.;1h1co111;>t11,1/,/1' /'01'/, _ /tf1111·1·e,l,;;,1 ;ft,, IJJ.. 1/f_\ /) , f_fJ,U~ , ,/lj, I I I I L' I ,1· I •. (. 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U 11n1/ 1/0111/,· (1'r11 (~111/11111 !111u/1111 11/;r/111; /)/I/It!/)( {/ II _- l/ 111/ /]; \. //1/J flrrj ( /;'1.,1· (;.,'· J1.•lr//ltll11·,, ;ru·(';r/, .7/111.,l. f)/)r1:r-r·/11( //r/1 /ln•1 ·,1;1·. • _\\:,·1>111c!1•111 _1,,1·1, 1_,;;,1 li.•,11,1 \\.11 ·, .i1 1·111 / 11,;lt,l.\\ili 11tl lltl l , /,l1·/,t• {I/I, p,11 Ill. II, / 1 }.1,, ,./,. ,,1,1 •11 !"' 1.,,1.• _,;;. 11, ,.tf., 1 , !JJlu11·11111 ( )11. ,l ·11 ·. //,11,:1111/111· JJ,,,·(,1, I; II II I .. , . ( If\,. "('/ ,,' , ''/ '/ 1 ' f'.. ' \ ", "' 'f , ' _. I,/'((' , ) , J;,l'ltftl,J ( /11/11; 1/1 /// 1{1 /l/(///tll'////I ///(l/!((;ji11111r, l'/lllr,n, 11! 11lirn;1/'(/lf!.r ir'lll,l1t'!Zf d /rli1/'l(//I / '1(,1/1!1111111/,11,1 ..(__1'111! 1/<1 ,,>11,1("1 "/'ll/1/ (~l/rll'I/ . I /) Cl ') l ')CC' X."\.."<.11 . __ , bi\} --. : -·HIS great Pn·btL' w:1 s :l irm of CXt'lllpLll".) \ 'ir.lll(', W;l" ,il_w•~~s m:1!ig11 'J :lJld pe1frc~1tf'<l .~y the (/lll•1i11;,11 ]~ fart10n , ,,:~:- ~111 C);ccllcnt Prc:1cl1cr and ;\ Sd1olar o l !he moil {ublm1c P.1r1:-: I Ltd a ll !11 :-; Li le eminently op-~; po~·d //1/r111 ·,._ I )orhrnc in 1\101(, Co11rrovcrf\(•,;, before thC' NJ mt' of ,;/n111i/lit.!' was t:1k1·11. .NotirL' oC. or hi:- Opi- ~-... , uioJJs h<'.1nl ol': And tlwrrfon· forw:mt of':-rnothrr N:Hue, :lrcordi11g co 1ltcirufo:1LPr:1nicc to f-.len 1he:yd011't like, i\'11 !hey c:ill"d. him .1 V1pifl, which JlOlll' bdi(·\·'d him LO br, J11<l. he Incl more 111;111i tClied tltr rontr:ny i!J his DiCpu- x·1 1:itions :rnd \\'riling._" 1h.111 1110_11 J\lcn ll:id do11r. i\o t>-f:_in l1.1d 1·,cr .t 1-k:nt more in.tirr to tlw Kin,,- . the Church, F:(~ or his CountnJ. I k was; :1 .M~m of great Conr:1gc .111d Ht> (Ol11tio11 propo~'d 110 Elld:- in :il l 1it i\ c1io11:- bu t ~ ,vh;1\ ,,crT piou-; :tnd jnfi; ;111d Ji<l 1101 ro111idrr w\1.11 f'.tt"n !i1id or ,wrc> 1il--..c lo t:lv o( him I le i11tc11deJ tJ1e ~ Diff'ip lim .. of tht: Cln!~·< h tliould lll' lf' lt ,i<: well as J"poh.en of. ,llld :1pply"tl to the fj1l~11did Tr:111lgrdfor:-; , ;is well ;1s to d1C 11w:111c lt O!lc11d rr.s. lLAHEKDON, /iJ/. ].Jlag . 89. l k- u11dtT\\e111 liis .\11tlC'ri11g~ with :ill Cl1rdliJ11 C our~1gr :1 ud l 111:rnimit_y, to the J\dmir:uion of tire BeholJer<;, ;111d Cont(dioll t) f hi:- L1n11it's. l lc dy"d ,1 J\ f:n~\ r, lw ,,;1.s rtvil'd., cJ.llumniJt('d. i111prifon\i four Yr ar:-; in the ., 'l{w_111 put under .\cqudlr:-11io11 both for !tis 'T'empor:1]~ :rnd Spintu:11:-. 11101! uqjutil.\r .Jccu:::·cf. :llld, rontu1:\ to ;d[ __; L1w , :11 I.di ll·11h'1w'd to the lhltcr ; but upon lnsrepea trJ Pctition:-- LHfiril n:iCCkd) hl.' ll:1d tlwf:nuur of tht" ~--p :\). gr:llW'J lllm l>y Iii:- bloody l'1n1·tl1crcrs . . He wit11dS'd with his Blood to tbe TrutJ1 o( the Churd1 and fos n:x ~bit·ft\" 0 S Cwfl· 011 'lt~zorhdl, Ja11 . .10, 16. ,,.\. _J.;) , .. . k WILL]fA;\'\I._ JU O , {nhfijhiJj_J?,/C:111tnbu1y. J; LI £ \\a.-: cd11ca1cd :ti St..ft;,6;;'.,; College (J.t!rml. ,u-, Scl1oh.r, F'c llow, :rnd Prdidr11t of the fame; :i lfo \ 'irc-J Chancellor, ClupL1i11 lo 11 i~ ?--l.~1eJl_, 0 , ;t11d b., the lr11en:·li 01· _i\rrlibilho1> lt1111I created Dean o( lli.111,e/!n~ ,1nd =".,) Cieri-. 0(1/ic ClotC't; bei11~ pbc'ct Jl(':tr ILis_!,.fajrl~y l~v Uiat 1110ll cxccllrr1t Fatl1(T 01' our Churrli, ir1 care l11n1fel[ i lhou ld lw J11y \\';1\ difab!nl front :Hli.'nJing tlie Hufowf~ of it: ,,:1:-; elt·cted Bilh op or'.llrit/Onl 111~tdt· D~an oftJ1e ~~• Ch.1pcl R~v.11 . 1ra1dbtcd to /, m11lrm. J11ade L0rd l ligh Trc:11!1rcr. dii'rh:1rgi11g that Offirc t\ith fi1tli F!dclity zllld ~ 2ikill, at :1 Ti111 r whcJJ hi.,; ..\ L\j('f~y \, Nl'rdfoil':- wt"!\' gn·Jtd1 1 :rnd tJJ(• Cb1nours ot' the ltopll' JouJclt. that J1p : ') gave 1111ivcrfal Corili...'lll. At tilt' T' of the lfl'bel\ion l1r fu/lC'rli i1t conit11011 \\]tli J1i:: BrctJ1n.'n, , t!1i ~ only ::,{< Diltmc1io11 , that lie wa$ rcfcrv'd bkr ( 1(!}/r:• b_v tlte l)dops tOr t!ir bit .~1oni:-J. At the Tirnc of bis "Ji. bjef~v':,; J:~ molt horrid and afro11if11j1w ~lurther, lie Jttendrd /Ji111 011 !lie .'c.1/fold, .1drninifircJ gliofiJy C'ou11J('J ~uid tli<' ,-;;;i - :i,., rrarncnt to hi111. lt:id dw l 1app111el~ to f(:•e the King :lllJ Cl111 rrh rdior'J. tv pfact' l1ic c;·m,11 011 llw J-It>a<l ot' ~"'" the fonncr, :rnJ be hin d(, lf the Hc~1d anJ Crovq1 or 1/ie other bring in 1660 rr,ui1l.1tcd 10 ( (111111/,111_'1 ~ ;111d 011 ~]' fi/111· the4rl 1 1663, to rl1at Place where hi.s Ch.1iactcr Jl!;(Y be cq11:il'd bot riot e:xrcl'd. He ,us ol.1 (wecl Ten1-r~= 1xr, of admirable "f \1ns, b1tt of wondcrfiil . ivfod~f\\· ;11~d t I 0_111ili1y; Jnd (e,_,, (:X-L'rcis'd tJ1,ll JJ1 0Ji_ Cliri!ti~111 JJJ~ ~ diliir1guin1i11g offorg1,·i11g Em:'mic1' like tin.-; 111 0!1 ad 1rnr:iblc .. PreLllL"; 111Jomucl1 tlut he ,v·J.s the Deliglitot ~ his Ti,.11 cs, .111d cxto_rte~ a_ l_~t'\l' l.'t'IJCL'. fron1 thofr· vc1:v_Pcrfon:-; ;i_ial had <ldi1:o_v 'd a;1d _rui11 'd hi~ Order. I le \\;}~ ,i, dlee 111 d a Pnfo11 of pn11ut1 vc S,111ct1~~, of grcal \\71 (do111, I 1cty. !~eanlll1g . I .Jt1c11ce and Clun1_,-, and a!l f Apoftolicol Virtues. WAL,rn·.,. S1fi/rni1c,;:c ,frbt Oag,, p. 4-. • :"~ 12~· ~~- ~- • • ~c Th 111.oJ171(51/; ,'l \tJ-i111d, fl/I(! 111:7)".''l ovle 'l)ni,a,, LFO.l"EL {IC'J.JVF llELD ,__~'A_((J(Vl/1/,LR J)1110.·.E1 :f_j)OJN, ~'ET, l }flll :/'lJ,;(/EI 11111! .r11d1!!:Jtir, 7J1m111 q/'liu!tlwjl, ll/11/ JJ11m11 (;~m.Jtd,/, .r/ (;~11:ft~/,!,----, (,>1_;ji1/,/r :I ''/Joon 6!jilf', 7 111nlo1 ,1111,I. '·-!tl1111i-dl,,:j·11i1• fJr/lf;w /1111.f, (1~/lu li'1>/{(lfll11111 ,:jlh ({;1111(;1 t_1/'li ;•11/, 1111tl_91h (,;y md Cor11t(f _c/(1111fff011~5[ / 11Y.- 11/;111i·al ,:;/'th, .1111;/ (;;111//lj ;;//2i·1;(,, (}111 :1/1111·, , :/., '1!1.1 ."l~lJ.if!.'r;.1 111_oj/7-/r1111111111Nt' 'lhi:f /Jt11111al, 1111(/'J,i11);lil :f';h 11~1j/' t 1;!,I, ()1,!t 1 ,:j 'tli,·. (111111·/' L oR.JJitEIITEYINTGE,YLRIL ,1111! G'ETF:R 11J/orER.1- v 11R,.{lltt l\jwma 11 :f fREL."J. \'JJ 1 _-.; 1 'lbt' fiig/;t lfo11011ra/;/t' rbt' Earl pf STRAF:E'ORD Lord Lie111mm11111/(I Ool1emor pf t/;e ./Gir/0111 qi Ireland. T111 s grc:11 Perfon was 011 the 121~ of Mdy t64, , brought from the Tower of l.l//lr/i,11 , wh.ere he had be<'11 a P,·ifoner near fixHonrh s to rlre ScaiJold on 'lowerb1//, where with a co111posd tllldaunted Cou ,·age, lie told the People lie was co111e to fa1isfy them with his Head: but that he 11rnch fea,.-d, •• rh:11 rhe H.e fo rmation that was kg1111 in Blood, w01ild not prove fo fortu11ate to the Kingdom, as the_y _ ex pcc'l.ed and he wifh'd : A11d :t[icr gn·al .Expreffio11s of his Devotion to the Cl111rch oLt.",w/m,d, and ~- th e l'roteliant Religion eliablrth',l In Liw, and prolels"d in that Church, or Ins L~yal\v t~tl,e King, :'y and .\lfcction lo the Peace :ind Welfare ot' the i-;i11g<lom, he wi 1h marvellous Tranq11illi1_v of J\lind cJ deliver'd his Head to the Block, "here it \\'as !eve rel from bis Bod_yat one Blow; many o!' tire S1a11ders 9 bv, who had not hem o,er charitable to him in his Life, being much allrAcd with the Co11ragt' and Chri!iianity ot Im Death. Thus 1,'.1[ the greatcfl Subject in l'o"'cr, ancl litdc inferior to any in Fortune at th at Time in 1J1e - three Kingdoms: A ·Manoi' grea t Part.,, and extraordinary Endow;nents of' Nature, adonr 'd with the Addirions of Art aJ1d Learning ; had a ll.eadincfs of Co11cepti011, was of grca1 Obfervation a11d a piercin g Judgment both in Tirings an(] Perfo11 s . CtAl!ENDON, //i>I. I.. p .zo3 . 7br R1"o-bt Ho11{111m/Jlr ;/;/, Ead rf'~ORTHAMll.'TO 0 '- !:,\ THI, Noble Peer fell in the Action al /-lop1011 H m1b, afier he had va11q11itl1'd the Rebels; his ~ '. Hori~ being flwt under him , ( the Ant(Y p11rG1ing the Clrafr· ;) he \\'J S lefi enco111pas'd bv the Eneniv, ~., wl,o own that afier he was on his Feet he kill d their Colonel, and that tlir) otrc ra l1i111 Quarter, ,;;. 1d1icl1 he refold, ti,·ing lte fcorn·d to 1ake Q11arteroflitch vile K.ogues,a11d Heocl;as 1lr~1· were : He ·; 1 was .!bin b_'" a Blow with an Halbert 011 tire hinder J'art of Iris Head. ei-,":. He was a Pcrfon of great Com:1ge, Ho11011r and Fidelitv, and not well know11 till his Eveui11g: rt; Bui frorn the begi ning of thole Dili1~1c1ions, as iC awak'd from a Leth:ug_,-, he 11ever proceeded witl1 ' 3 hrke warn, Temper. Before the Standard wa , tc.•t up he appeard i11 fl i,n,.,,rf.j/,,,n agai11ft Lord h ,, /Jrooh, dilro1111tenanc'd and drove him out of tl,c 1 011111,·, took the Ordm111ce fro11J .B(lf1/wn' Caitl.e c} ' and brought J\wm to the King. He le,·ied 11p011 lrisowi', C'Jrarge :1Troop of r.lor\c,and a Jicgimelll ' , of Foot; entire\y dc<l,ca tccl all lris Children to 1he ~1arrel, having fonr Som O!lt ccrs nuder lnnr, __,: wh ereof' three cliarg'd tha1 Dav in tlw Field . No J\bn was rnorc punct11al upon Co111111,111d; none f_ rnore dili~elll and "igibnt on Duty , :ii I Di!i~el)~s he bort' like a common J\ Ian, and vV:1 nis :rnd 11:u_d • / ; ucflcs :is ,r I re had never kno"~' Plenty or blc. C LA HE:NDON , /Ii,/. II . p . 115 , 11 6. • _.., .:!) ~IL. ';1'11. . , <c:{;~ ~~1 1, , - j '-f;;Jlti rf ' /t.,l'.,·r;(l,1/.r!lf ,ffl,U'RH {J()/1.'):~ ( --------~"•~--~--- ~==f-------'-'--------'----!.1',!l·1·111 !It,• (,~1111,t/i _ ;· I ·!!11/k1111 l .<1)11/i,· 1;/'il,•m11r11,(11. G ·// 1/l/11111 II. /11:1 .fl','l'llrl . 1;•11. ---------- ; f Ii• 111 :i I l. tlt,· '(/1'111(,ft/i .5r11 11' II 1/l,~1111 I.. , \t 'jlli, 11. f},,w,(/011 1,, II 1/!i;,111 I. l'.1111 /Jr11<1ltr1·1 ·. "' ;l/rf//;1/ l[, fir,1111//rlt II' /Im; l l;l(ll/m1,l/i l.'t11;,,,;J. EB 1!,'11·/2,11'1! l. It,:, d,l(!i , 1;,_11_. ______ ---< ,'fr,/i11, 1!?,d1,11 •,l.i f/Jn·rlt,·1·. EE ----------, .'!;f,111:11 LIi . . rt,11 f,'/· ,7;,ft11. --------<e _____ ,_,;_'ll~t.'l_·_,'l/1:111:1; ]l_l. ____ ~ 8 € (b -+----- II . ,11111 ('/tk· /1~(/_1_·-____ 8 (t) E:: 3: ·,..:. -~ t '- $: f-"-----'--e--l,_',_l1_1·_,1_1_·d 111. , ,;.11 (1/ '1/2,· , 1;-,,·1_1_,l_. __ ---1 12 c E. E:: E:: 1:J/1,<J :11:-111:,1 [\'_ ,,;· 1/2,· /l,,<1/i (j'/,1////'1(/i,·1·. 1.;1<2 illi·111'// \-. ,1,,11 ,_,;':1t:111:11 1/2,· ;;,111'/lt. E. G E,; C E. t.;•2'2 :lli·111;1; \'I. ,li111,_>/'J1:m;I/ 11t,_l~_ii_,ilt_1_. __ ___, G E:: E \:. ',·1,,1/,r11;•11. I GEB u/p,1 •// ii/,;, 111, ,r/1•111·. EB , :- ''.'.+' /11111. 1>1u,,;lt1 -1 · (1/ './11111,·,1 II . 6 f----'-<'---{!1 tJ//f'' l 6'/1't'lt'I' c1_·.,1._1/_1i1._u_1_,·1_·,_·1_·-____ __, (f >--'----'-+-'-'_11_•_.1;t1,· II. ,r;,,1 r/ /11•1'1;,;1• 1/21· lt(Ji- GJ <cE-6(:(:(::-8 68;1:,,(E:l(BE: (:- 0 b S 6 (b 6 ~ (: 6 6 b 6 Er! 6 li E:: E:. Eb ES G: (:c E:: (: (:__ (;: 6 (f- (t(:(:JE::,(1(3:(:- EE EE 1± E. C (±;tcv I . - I . '1/5, /;1.1/1/{'{' . Jr', II ;'/·II tjl /; /'// !'I 'I i1r'1I /I'll/'. lj-1 - ;llt-11 '."I/' 11•11 ;'/lir'111_1 •l ,,11i1,·rl1 /;-111:I/J 11 i i11; . 7,,/;;; 1'f'li1 ;/ 110"(;;, lr1~!/;111~1; ,\:f1rl'!lr1 i:,f• 1 1i1, 'll'1lr1111l _ !Irr-, jr•'//r,11·1i;t/ 11ii:1;., mid 1111'/l~I/ ll!t-1'1 ( 11!/ 11 flr11d,., / )!h 1/l/111!. 1/hi/{'(·, 1r:11 _1/l,~/11·:1111 ,·,11i1:l1d1:lf' .'llr'-!ll,'f/ //1·, 11i1rl • 11IN1· /!11i·,;, './1111•111_-;1 ,1/ 11:,n,. ~11,:111/1 /,' !'!'1111! 111,111,_-;; ,r/ .fr•~rmr'.lj 12...i'-lr;, ,·,·111:l_;/;,'.I; i111'.11,;· . ! /1il'llr 1i:t/ jt1M: '· !,ii/I/ ( /111 /, ·, •1i1;; •!i'; ,)' ,;rp-1;,;, ( ;1/1(//((1// tl1i1//lr Ii 1i1,I ./ jltll/'.//, p1~1;: !jltl;lf. . ; J1n:1;,_(1ii'i1/., f,jl, l:f/·' , 1fr,l!ti;1/.' _; ( i·,•11'!/ ,\' (1·1'11·11., ( 1!ti·, I' f i·1•1111NI (, 'p l:f/·'. 1!t1/lr1;1f. 1 -l finnr.,. \ ( li'llll /t' 1;•,., _ ,J.' "I I _, r·•·", . . ..,.,-:ir':J. ~ . - --...-· - -;,.. ':',,___ .,.---..__ .~-.... . . ~ ~--.- .. ..,,. -~ UJ, J'.L\'lt\' &'OJ.Ji ( 'OJ.~~\'. ()11t' 111' //1'/J f'it1't;I /1t11'f' /,(t'II rl1.11, 11·0{//t'l1/i; / ilil'nir1 11.1 1,•11d11Jrr/ tin /;,1.1 /,1,11 lrrrlt 1>r 111', /;i 1/t! 1; 1111:~ /17·111 tltr (_j?11 1111111.f ll',ll'tif(/ i/11,_'r :lJ1111J, 1. /)_ ,111, /11 1/;, 18 it''10y Rr/11-."J_d Frr/i GOLD ( i11111'J ~~~1---~- ){._V Ill i':rlll',ml JIL AD. J'-.ftiC CXLlV. I{ 1d1t!l'rl 11. f1011:1J IV. !ln111 \ T. _ 1/011:~r ~1_!}._'t!11·Nrrl JV, Htl11·11rd v. Er 1£ (B (il EL G) ED (£ EB ill EB EB Ell El) (B EB (!) :J) (B EB El) (B (IJ (!) !-l/1·11,1nl IIT. rn EB EB ED 8 G. flmn -VfL Ii EB 1£ (E !ln11;;1 ,·m. (B Brl!l'anl VT. e; .11111:lj. tt ~~ El,;ahtli. Er: - ,1/1/1/ICJ I. ffi /11111-/i,) ] . (iJ (/111rll'J , r. " _l .½111,......,_ II. 'iilllu111, ,,;,_,,,,. r----------------t-- -----.j ~ • ln11t -I I - t70•1·1J1· 1. L. -+ --· I LCu· 1:,11· IL. e .+ , G' El + G Et tr 8 + Et ·10 fL (±; I ll-• + 'f (£ ,, + 8: n 'f EJo ,' /'i/f. </ltt '!ilruA f/h111'(' 1·11111:!ff'lrl Ill 1lr;111(11(//.~_'.'//;-;1~'// o' 1'1l//!rl /111// ,)' 11/;1,!t· ,1;1/1tir',) rt/ 11!1n., --- ( 1!111-/0 1.' 11 :•r 1111~!:; jit'lfl!(I, 111· 1/;n·1 /;-~1111! fit'(;'{',/ ti! 1!r/t'1nl ( ( 11///1// ' //111/!/; 1'/'!i1;!, ./' 11;_, \ '<.!il ,l/11l!t1(1/ jlOi'I:! . fJ. (in111111,d/, 1·111111! /11·n1(1; ,Ji11/lr1:1.1 1111///! jlr'ft'r:, _' /2 f //1/lr11111 0'1111! 1!1,1!1 1 !t., ,)·/;1~!; ' ; /wt trj(()II rlt//r,11rrr11q till' '1,tle 'lJr/11/N,; "( 'tl!o/_l' 1/llr/l. • It" ltfi tl/1'111. ,1111'1 .., jiNo•r(I/ 1111d /,n11·,'(f' .Et;t7r~ll 111 //217 fl.Lf!r/1 fir(f,/t'::71;nd,d 1/l,'!iqwrl/i.; f/'i/u11-tt>://1l/_;1, 1u1d 11·1/A ? ] 1711 //11111/fol ~3/1/lle11 011(/ t/1 ,, 111a1111n· 11•//40 11. tlr111.1,/1n/or111d,J11,lt I rr'llr1111/ il,·l1011J, 17.f r1111,1 ti 11/I "'91 .- ffl'tl l'f11,1//I/ /,J 11 10111/t'r al till' r//11(/,,1!(1/,,11(5' ')'.Jitl'etji. fl/a ft111 1/l/01111!., /tr '7/Ultll tllrl'I' l'NINll0.nPk, ; t Jlntl~:1,,011(' ;,,'l'l11//, tl/lP/ll:/l·or(1't'II, 'f/lri':11<;: rrl /Ji11r1-!t,v ·it,11111lpn·111rr/1'1 ri~_;;; llllll(l/·/ltll'llljll.i, !Ital ~Iii I/I /f;/t'l'I /Ir· ;11t11IP /211~1/t// . 1/<lflo· q/ 1111' Ii 111,;r/f)/II ,. J 1 , /j!t'r 1/tr ·(i rif,;-i 1/llanlrr • d ~lfl lt~.1.//Jllrah1;y p;,>,r:r 11/nJt1t/ nr,n'(//11 /(•111/.!J,Jr K : CJ1:1 ric \ ,tllr_j,:,vn,I,. ~ ltt' t'111/.11rll1I 1n1ll /1/t' /o111r /t>r .l1'lJ/ltu1d.·1rn.f lltrrr 1111111 /1,11011 /0/11/II/ 11{/,·ff1t'tl-/nA01 ~n/mll'r rw11·c11'd } /o_/:,//otlwn; 111r:1 111t~J1111/t" //all' o/'_l/21' (;If/ /.I/ 1hr, l/,1t71/li"rrl1:1 f?II n 4;1/;;·iJ,·11ilt f'I" th,11r ,;, 11 1;,r1 ,,. II/ii ~ , IN/h 11 (/}r;/ 1,1 //; tltnt 1t1P '/}0;1k i,11 :1llt ,.,iv,;ltu11,n11,i irhold tlte 'ln,;11,;1/t f'l'l'I' o .l'nj,;11, 11·ltoj,: -l/11/11c .., lto,l11(1l1lt· 11t.11117(r111PI~. fl/lrl 111/,J 1i·ltef;.'//ti111/.1, 11,•, l/~1t7,fltrrlM ('/lft,, l ¾ut•,/ln,/1111. 111;.,r ~/1r<.~ 1/r/11·0•;/ !lt,•'/11·0, r'/ till' I IIJ/· 71t1t.r ll'IM It, 11rrr11'd /111/2r /,11111111111 /1onl·tn11/l'tl (I., 1/21• lt111·1jl (l/l11/:/t11·/,1r /.m/f(;ltt t/f , 1/1•11 (1)1~1/-~ /1Jlt_1~, 7~'fjt1(11111a't·11111;/ I:!/ t/lt' f?filr,111101( It? 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I (ylt~-;h,1-. 1:111;11.mBa!fi11r ii/Ill olil.N:f ,,u;✓ lt,/11 ~ q/Jh-~1,/11 all f;/_(firt:.f, tlt~!/./Ou11d lt1i1101111 lttlft,,Ji11111,, 1i111 jlot?r:7/o:tf?, (y1i::7 ~/1 lt1d _ll/oorl.- m/u/'ll !tori _ fl1J1rd.Ji'ON1/11.1 11 01.111 /.1 111,;/t'rat tl/-11111!t111,'l',,l/t'lf/lY't1l 'f 1✓ -vnn(!/ rl'/11111/1;11/1 lti.1 Loolr.1.- /tr told rltrm ~ he 11·a.~fa1~y l,J,_fr~Jo. 111r11'.I/ Ct·1tlll'ml'/1 (J,/1111' 3//11/;/rlt 1111'/'f' /2,.f old E'l'r?11dJ.j et~t:_:Jd 1i1..fa Foul a ~ Hebell,on, 1111rl j1n11rtj1al(I/ r(tiP1·1nl lit:, LJ.f(o11,1ft tu J'.1/f///_l117Ja//0111; 11·/lo hi' ;111i 1/1 1/l/ii1d pi/lt".9'Yfl/ ~ O/,fri;a/1011.1 Ill' lt,111 io Ill ' 1'Zt)lg. Nllrl that-I/ 1r11.1 tit/' 111pji Odious Ingratlnide lo 111altt> /1 i11 tltoi rl'/11111, ~ 11:tJh/l tltnn /.(J Ir/I 111y _/,ord --€f.i,'J· !ti' Ol[tJ~i lo r~?fi lt1/;_t,/t:(//1;- l~t> './1//ftf1Pi~r'/ 1111d /.I'_'/ /11J 9hnlo11: o,~ ~ l1t.1 1llle1110-1y ll'Oll/d ;,,, 111l,"o11J lo //tl'Yv;,1,011 a11rl'11'7j?l'rt{f1· ,7/i,f l;JJ'(tjit111 ef'.LJ/tJod /1r01:!7ltio11 h1J'lhailt 3 /rjmy //;f ltnd l'<'(?I llllll(f/ .A1i711,l.J, lt 1d 1.1e~~ft111 l!./11'11'.fd 11111/ t(yil .!Jl'IINYJI(!/ (n111nlll'II. ~ -1 CJ..ARKNDON, To/.JLpa,r40 .-w~ ~, n. T.J'):r. 11,,r/ E . ' ( 7 'a'. 111ntIL011. J/lf ~jj_R T, pf ARN.dR VON ff~ ? ~ ~ =·- ~,\. l'E-f.lS<frillti111r.<1,J(,/,-,,111d/l /l'i{J ll CJ}1fa11 //'tilt 11,/tof? {jl't'/ll-7hr/d 1111d711Y11f', lfif'lff,.1//d //'llJ 1101' f',/ltllftjlt fl('q1;,-ui11?d .. , /1f"rl/ ltt'l?l lin11r._191"' ,i, t/t ' l"J/1o/'>~9 //l.f'/1/jti/i,ll/l/-1111 l'.1r'l'lh11l'l~tj~''l'nt 'r n11J ..T't1fjtirr ;!/i1d1111~11:~IJt' ttj1tJ11 lt1J §I f./1e11~v, ll11d a 1l/lt/1d a11t:li///11_lr-;/i1111a't1(~ l't'<'f/ ;u;e/ht1-1/1 tlt1' lln1i·k '!//J1l/ftjfl\'/o11u .J~1/lrn11/1~J tf-.Z/re1t; 2 fl'.f 111/ailt la lt 1d,/lrr11ur(I/ 111tl11(1j;/, fi17 ;111/ t'/1/'/t'rill ,.//'t/l'l'l(V, 11,/J,,11 otAf'l:t tlto1;1ltt tltnN e,.rf11//f;;/e 1t11. 2, tlt'r tltt11/loti J11 o/n.lblrlirr. ,'/fl, 111t1.f a,?r'l'al /o,,l'r :1/.J'i.tjltf"'r/a11d;1,r11r1/rilli-tltl'1111NJjftll"lt ll'm'tl'II/ 11,/tn1 = ltt" ltatl Ifm,l'r 10 tlo (l/'iv114 / 11'/l.f Jo ./'1n/'t 1i1 lt1.i7h}rtl 17/1/I .l}w11~· 11.f n /(r111111111ult,i; t/2111 /;" r'011ltl 110/ /,I'::::: ;1l'!ftn1d,,.d 1'{/i11,_I/ 1i1 tit/' <ilf/1.-11,!t::1 lt~/01111<,I 110r1/1 It,.'! 'lb11·1r 11'11;1•1fan11 //;p f(11'f'l'111:'111 It ' ltnd 11Mm' ~ 1Nllt Dorcl1eftera111/ \V~y111.011th,.flll' ltntl /1111/ hi' 11'(l11/tl lt11N'/1rol'il 011 P.ttt'llr11t,loltl1t?1: n11d rr Gn:'M ;; Ornament to 1ha(l_/7rof?jlr011 .. At· tlif</Jntllr ~/' Ncwbri-~y, f!fll'r Ill' ltn1I f'//1,<'fJJ r111ll'l?m1k1I /I '/lo1(r; o/tlte -= A~,11'111 f/d [J'-ftl1JI', 1111,vi /tit /lt>/111;,; Ill' /NI.I 11?1111 tltro1~1Jlt tltt? :/]or/fl 1nilt n, lll'11rrl, /,I/ 0711' o/~lltf'f.wit,· ,·;/~ J?,· ;,;, /'I _;;YJ,Jj1n:1, p/111/11i/2 (//lo111ul /217 r(y'rl 11ril/u11 17/l .</lo11i~ 011,I l,_y 11,lt[je" (iJeatlt • 10,· -~u1g j01111rl ".1(,11jr/llt? //❖-wl,,11tji 1i1 /11,i ,.An11.!/ . Cr.AH.EN DON .101. ILpao: :.t69. r '11' 111, 11;1,1 1111 111(1111 II [lll!IU,ill!lJIIIJlll/11 IIJ ', 11~ f,, 'Jlfl lLJ 'UIIQllrllll il11l{l,l\lll,IIII,, 1 ll~lillj111l[I(, , Jllilll~ ~111 llljlllllilillmllllJIT 1 V • l J._ ~) • ' ,. ~ ;-.. _-,, --"'t. " • • f!.ll,l/Jl ,1/, 11j'/Jfll{) l'f/'1• _1/11/,,·r11.1rt G.JS, OF Co:m.011 La.w Th 1x1'!'!1t'I :l, c IL1Rv 11rfof1,,~1y1 !fl th . r;,111/;. fim .fl/th 'FmNhal 0,,,,,1 ,r;/ -- ' lii1:0 ,1fl11 ''111111 'lti111111'J 111 l/;I' / 111111:f_tj;J,rny, 1i1 ll'hi·/; .ll'Nl'lll E1y(tjh ,/',,rm; ' /, ii:,;r.r 171'1' . 1111il t,, ltr11·1' /1'1'11 (1'fl11'1tl'l1, 1·Nlt1,l'rl /11 • /,'111iu, ,,1, 1/}. IJ} o. oy th· , .. jtil!ti_11/ 1lr,11'11 ,"/t>111' .'1/ '1/;1, l °tl/111:r 1111,l,fl'f'/; 11;:I'/ ;/;, /11111 ,lt ( l!t1.r l 1r11· l,jl1:,j1;11/J //,{' ' 11111ml f,l'/'1(/ ,j'ilrf' '/)111!tl1~1;7, ll'li/2 ;/;,,, //r/111/1/>/I ,o/ ll ' ///1,r/1'//I '/i'f'r/ ' '/ /2,· .l>'r,·,1,/1/ ._,(1/,,-11 ::ti li·.·111 2:"r)>,_•1 l o'.,11/i ,_,(;/,, .,:. 111/i .•1J,. 6(,._1;·,•1 / fl;-,1,I;/ :·(1/i, ( '/"/'/, / wd/111( 2u;I ·. f ,l'l'.,f!/i :f 11,,. ('/;"J-'/''./ 1/"ll/;,1 (;!, :/· .\ '/fl,·. /11/1,'11/ 111:'Ji /J,·,·,·. Bl{. ] ;_ '/ Ii,· 1111/1;,11/ /li1t.l,·w.·. (' (1 (' 'f/1,L l/ ,·./,,r11 R ,'<:I ·. 'J /11.' I r'.-u· r,'/'r,•. ,·11/.•· ;/2,, . l/,·,l,n1 , ·,•n11 ,:( tit.- 8 ,u·!t/111 , / . /. /) I - ..: r•·. 1rlu11 11 Jr,111,t;ftl :, 1r,1., tilJ,.11 "' ,, v, ( r' :cL: ... • ·•f : , (',1J' " :.i._~.;,'../:.':_:· .. 'f.:r,i ~ · J~.:- 1- ~- ·} L:· - - -- -.,, .• ·< J;..--,; .;!.=. J) . t1. 11 .~.l,·r11 II 11:,/.,1, "' ;/,,,fl,·.:·1,•11J F. o{. l-f,,,/,,n, J~·r.-/4 II 1~1./,w .. •·1,'l·!/'trlu/'. ~/(/; / /It'll ///('//ti({/ J'c·, ·/('/'{/ (.( .. {JI , •· !11/'l ·_ ;;!(./"(I. /(,f//11'J / I t I/ r; Tl, . ;i~t'r°/i ,/,;//', ,,,j,, 11,,11· :1>-llr·,·/. 172_7. , !,71( ,111/ 1/11>!
Linked assets
A collection of the works of G. Vertue of London, Engraver, the first chosen proofs from the engraved plates, Begining in the Year 1708, vol. 3
Conceptually similar
A collection of the works of G. Vertue of London, Engraver, the first chosen proofs from the engraved plates, Begining in the Year 1708, vol. 2
A collection of the works of G. Vertue of London, Engraver, the first chosen proofs from the engraved plates, Begining in the Year 1708, vol. 4
A collection of the works of G. Vertue of London, Engraver, the first chosen proofs from the engraved plates, Begining in the Year 1708, vol. 1
Full title: To the Right Honourable and my Noble Patron Edward Earl of Oxford, And Earl Mortimer, &c.&c. A collection of the works of G. Vertue of London, Engraver, the first chosen proofs from the engraved plates, Begining in the Year 1708, vol. 3. Description: Also, twenty two plates of the monuments of the Kings of England, with their Epitaphs, and Inscriptions, and a brief Historical Account of Them. London, printed for James, John and Paul Knapton, at the Crown in Ludgate-Street, 1736.
Asset Metadata
Vertue, George, 1684-1756
Core Title
A collection of the works of G. Vertue of London, Engraver, the first chosen proofs from the engraved plates, Begining in the Year 1708, vol. 3
Alternative Title
Histoire d'Angleterre. English (
University of Southern California. Libraries
OAI-PMH Harvest
1 v. plates, ports. 62 cm.
Rapin-Thoyras, Paul de, 1661-1725
Unique identifier
NE643.V567 V.3 (call number), rbm-NE643V567V3.pdf (filename),rbm-m2 (legacy collection record id),rbm-m864 (legacy record id)
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1 v. plates, ports. 62 cm. (aacr2)
Public domain
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Rare Books and Manuscripts Collection
RBM: Fine Arts
University of Southern California
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Send requests to address or e-mail given. Phone (213) 740-5900; fax (213) 740-2343
Repository Name
USC Libraries Special Collections
Repository Location
Doheny Memorial Library, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0189
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Inherited Values
A collection of the works of G. Vertue of London, Engraver, the first chosen proofs from the engraved plates, Begining in the Year 1708, vol. 3
Alternative Title
Histoire d'Angleterre. English (
Full title: To the Right Honourable and my Noble Patron Edward Earl of Oxford, And Earl Mortimer, &c.&c. A collection of the works of G. Vertue of London, Engraver, the first chosen proofs from the engraved plates, Begining in the Year 1708, vol. 3. Description: Also, twenty two plates of the monuments of the Kings of England, with their Epitaphs, and Inscriptions, and a brief Historical Account of Them. London, printed for James, John and Paul Knapton, at the Crown in Ludgate-Street, 1736.
Coverage Temporal
Inherited Subject
Great Britain -- Biography -- Portraits
Great Britain -- Kings and rulers -- Portraits
Repository Email
Repository Name
USC Libraries Special Collections
Repository Location
Doheny Memorial Library, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0189
Date Created
Vertue, George, 1684-1756
Rapin-Thoyras, Paul de, 1661-1725
University of Southern California. Libraries
1 v. plates, ports. 62 cm.
Internet Media Type
No known copyright (